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Daniel Stenberg edited this page Aug 23, 2016 · 5 revisions


(seems like a fun name for the occasion)


SUSE headquarters in [Nuremberg, Germany] (

Thanks to our friends at SUSE for making this possible!


November 19-20, 2016


The first ever meeting devoted entirely to curl and curl-related topics.

The plan is to schedule a number of talks throughout the two days but leave space and room for impromptu discussions and spontaneous presentations.

The exact presentations can very well be subject for discussion on the mailing list beforehand and everyone attending is encouraged to speak up about what exactly they'd like to hear and discuss.


Let's work on one together and have it based on what people are interested in. It'll be presented here a while before the event will take place.

Suggested topics

Some possible subjects could include...

  • libcurl internals, learn about the inside to increase your ability to debug and work on fixing libcurl
  • new protocols and upcoming technologies that people plan to implement support for in libcurl
  • discussion on current libcurl and we're going next: governance, core team, getting more devs, how to run the project
  • how to get more people involved in the project
  • what's coming beyond HTTP/2
  • will there ever be a libcurl v8 and what should it look like? (brain storm!)
  • curl quiz!

How do I sign up?

This has not been setup yet. Hold your horses! This event will be admission-free.

Who can attend?

Anyone interested in curl, libcurl and related technologies.

  • curl hackers and developers
  • libcurl binding hackers
  • libcurl users
  • curl fans
  • internet application protocol fanatics
  • hackers of similar tools or curl related technologies

We may have to reserve the right to turn people down, in the extreme unlikely event that we would get overbooked.

Will the core contributors be there?

Daniel Stenberg will be there. Hopefully as many as possible of the other frequent contributors will show up.

