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Package is a wrapper class to get the RestFrames package compiled in a RootCore or CMake environment.



If you see an issue like

compiling Ext_RestFrames
WARNING: package Ext_RestFrames doesn't request pedantic compilation
WARNING: fix this by setting 'PACKAGE_PEDANTIC = 1' in Makefile.RootCore
configuring Ext_RestFrames
  testing location: %%%LOCAL%%%
trying manual install
/cvmfs/ line 3: cd: crogan-RestFrames-cf9e419: No such file or directory
    failed: installation of Ext_RestFrames failed
RootCore: Error failed to find valid Ext_RestFrames installation in %%%LOCAL%%%
RootCore: Error failed to execute /share/home/kratsg/RestFramesAnalysis/Ext_RestFrames/cmt/precompile.RootCore

The way to fix this is to clean out your download folder inside $ROOTCOREBIN by something like

rm -rf RootCoreBin/download/Ext_RestFrames/*


This section inspired by this example ATLAS GitLab repo.

To get this compiled in CMake (for ATLAS), you need to clone this with your other package sources, and then add the dependency correctly in your package's CMakeLists.txt file:

# Build a shared library:
atlas_add_library( AnalysisPackage
   AnalysisPackage/*.h Root/*.h Root/*.cxx ${_dictionarySource}
   PUBLIC_HEADERS AnalysisPackage
add_dependencies( AnalysisPackage RestFrames )

The explicit dependency being added will make sure RestFrames gets build first before your package does. Lastly, your top-level project's CMakeLists.txt needs to be edited as follows:

--- CMakeLists.txt  2017-06-02 08:38:41.538140740 -0500
+++ ../CMakeLists.txt   2017-06-02 08:37:55.548415446 -0500
@@ -28,10 +28,13 @@
 find_package( AtlasCMake QUIET )

 # Find the project that we depend on:
 find_package( AnalysisBase )

+# Include the externals configuration:
+include( Ext_RestFrames/externals.cmake )
 # Set up CTest:

 # Set up a work directory project:
 atlas_project( WorkDir 2.6.3

More details

The logic of the build is the following:

  • ExternalProject_Add(...) tells autoconf/automake to install the project under <build dir>/CMakeFiles/RestFramesBuild/.
  • The ${RESTFRAMES_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${RESTFRAMES_LIBRARIES} variables pick up the project from that directory, to avoid problems with inclusion orders. Adding ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ATLAS_PLATFORM}/include to the include path of the build makes things quite complicated, apparently.
  • ExternalProject_Add(...) also copies the header and library files under ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ATLAS_PLATFORM}, so that they'd be available in the runtime environment when you just use the build directory. As the file sets up the directories created by RestFrame.
  • The files are also declared to be installed with install(...). This is needed in order to make the headers/libraries available in the RPM/tgz file created by CPack. This is important if you want to be able to run your code on the grid.
  • The package/library/executable that you want to use RestFrames in has to explicitly set up a dependency on the RestFrames target. And then use the ${RESTFRAMES_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${RESTFRAMES_LIBRARIES} variables to set up its build. The dependency is important to make sure that in my example AnalysisPackage would not start building until the build of RestFrames is finished.


RootCore Wrapper Package for RestFrames Recursive Jigsaw Package






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  • CMake 83.0%
  • Shell 15.1%
  • C 1.9%