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This sample project is an example of analysing faces in real-time, by using Azure Cognitive Services, mostly by Face API service.


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This sample project is an example of analyzing faces in real-time, by using Azure Cognitive Services, mostly by Face API service.



The whole concept was invented up with Tauron for a hackfest to create a Proof of Concept for:

  • Analyzing in real-time customer's face features in customer service points, features such as gender, age, emotions, etc.
  • Integrating devices with cloud storage and cognitive services.

We have made a decision with Tauron related to the target technology, in which the solution will be created (and with which services will be combined):

  • A Desktop application written in WPF (C#) and/or Python.
  • Face API, Emotion API, Computer Vision API, to collect data, such as gender, age, emotions, number of clients, etc.
  • Azure SQL Database, to store collected data.
  • Azure SQL Database with DirectQuery, to receive direct data for Power BI reports.

We achieved:

Solution Architecture Overview:


Table of Contents


To successfully run the application and use it, we need to prepare some remarkable things - if we do not do this, it may turn out that the app will not work correctly.

Be sure that you have these...


First, we need accounts that allow us to use specific services or applications.

Microsoft Account

We need this account in case of using Visual Studio and Azure Portal. When you start Visual Studio for the first time, you're asked to sign in and provide some necessary registration information. You should choose a Microsoft account or work or school account that best represents you. If you don't have any of these accounts, you can create a Microsoft account for free.

Azure Subscription

Be sure that you have a valid Azure Subscription with funds for such things as Azure SQL Database and Cognitive Services. If not, several offers can help you.

Azure SQL Database

You need a place where you will collect your data from real-time face analysis. Adress, database name, user_id, and password needed! In that case, you should create a new resource from your Azure Portal, which will be Azure SQL Database.

Cognitive Services

We need Face API key and endpoint address. It is possible to use free plan (F0) of Cognitive Services, however for better experience and results, I recommend you to create a new plan (S0), from higher pricing tier - pricing.


Of course, it is possible to run this application without Visual Studio, however, in that case, you should consider downloading proper DLL's, setting-up dependencies and references, configure application settings and more!

Tools & Libraries

Visual Studio installed, and proper frameworks to run Windows Application (WPF), .NET Framework 4.5.2.

Power Bi Desktop

Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that deliver insights throughout your organization. We will use it to get insights into our data from face analysis.


PC with Web Camera

For sure providing frames in the applications is a must, and without a camera, you won't be able to achieve any results.

I used Creative Live! Cam Chat HD VF0790. I believe laptop or any USB-like camera will be enough.

Creative Live! Cam Chat HD VF0790


First things first! Do not skip things that you should do first, in that case, you need to correctly set-up the application. Prepare your already created resources, connection strings, credentials, etc.

Application Setup

  1. Fill in Cognitive Services keys and endpoints. (Don't worry if you miss that. You will be able to add these keys and endpoint during application runtime).


Face API service is enough, just put:

  • FaceAPIKey
  • FaceAPIHost
  • *AnalysisInterval, you can change it for different frame analysis frequency.
  1. Configure Connection String in application configuration file (you will find that particular block between line 36 and 40) with your Azure SQL Database credentials.
    <add name="FaceAnalyticsContext"
        connectionString="Server=tcp:{database_server_address};Database={database_name};User ID={user};Password={password};Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
        providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Replace connectionString values. For example:

connectionString=";Database=mydatabase_db;User ID=srvadmin;Password=*************;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
  1. Add rule of your client IP address for Azure SQL Database server in Firewalls and virtual networks tab - read more.

Application Run

  1. In Visual Studio set RealTimeFaceAnalytics.WPF project as a StartUp Project.
  2. Be sure to add missing references and packages.
  3. Rebuild
  4. Run
  • Before you start to analyze frames from your camera stream, you will be able to configure your settings again: appstart

  • After clicking Save, choosing Camera and clicking Analyze, you will get a preview camera stream (without local detector) and camera main stream (with local detector): apprun

  • Emotions test (Emotions are measured over time and every tick/interval, you can see them as an average number on the right panel and as color bars on the timeline below image stream): emotions

  • Additional accessories test (Different kind of glasses and headwear): accessories

Application Highlights

  1. WPF Application with MVVM Architecture (Caliburn.Micro). Caliburn Micro solved my problem - as a small yet powerful framework, designed for building WPF applications. Great support for MVVM patterns enabled me to build a solution quickly.

Most important thing I setup for Caliburn support was Bootstrapper.cs file - with simple IoC container configuration:

public class Bootstrapper : BootstrapperBase
    private SimpleContainer _container;
    protected override void Configure()
        _container = new SimpleContainer();
        _container.Singleton<IWindowManager, WindowManager>();
  1. Start of the Video Frame Analyzer Service process.

    2.1. Loading cameras:

    public List<string> CameraList
            var availableCameraList = _videoFrameAnalyzerService.GetAvailableCameraList();
    public List<string> GetAvailableCameraList()
        return LoadCameraList();
    private List<string> LoadCameraList()
        var numberOfCameras = _frameGrabber.GetNumCameras();
        var cameras = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfCameras).Select(i => $"Camera {i + 1}");
        return cameras.ToList();
    protected int NumCameras = -1;
    public int GetNumCameras()
        if (NumCameras != -1) return NumCameras;
        while (NumCameras < 100)
            using (var vc = VideoCapture.FromCamera(NumCameras))
                if (vc.IsOpened())
        return NumCameras;

    2.2. Start processing with selected camera:

    public void StartAnalyze()
    public void StartProcessing(string selectedCamera)
    private async void StartProcessingCamera(string selectedCamera)
        var selectedCameraIndex = GetSelectedCameraIndex(selectedCamera);
        await _frameGrabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(selectedCameraIndex);
    public async Task StartProcessingCameraAsync(int cameraIndex = 0, double overrideFps = 0)
        await StopProcessingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        StartProcessing(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 / Fps), () => DateTime.Now);

    2.3. Handle the events with results of frames and data (read more about EventAggregator in Caliburn.Micro):

    using Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.Contract;
        public class FaceAttributesResultEvent
            public FaceAttributes FaceAttributesResult;
    using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
        public class FrameImageProvidedEvent
            public BitmapSource FrameImage;
        public class ResultImageAvailableEvent
            public BitmapSource ResultImage;
    private void SetUpListenerNewFrame()
        _frameGrabber.NewFrameProvided += (s, e) =>
            var detectedFacesRectangles = _localFaceDetector.DetectMultiScale(e.Frame.Image);
            e.Frame.UserData = detectedFacesRectangles;
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) (() =>
                var frameImage = e.Frame.Image.ToBitmapSource();
                var resultImage = _visualizationService.Visualize(e.Frame, _currentLiveCameraResult);
                _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new FrameImageProvidedEvent {FrameImage = frameImage});
                _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new ResultImageAvailableEvent {ResultImage = resultImage});
    private void SetUpListenerNewResultFromApiCall()
        _frameGrabber.NewResultAvailable += (s, e) =>
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) (() =>
                if (e.TimedOut)
                else if (e.Exception != null)
                    _currentLiveCameraResult = e.Analysis;
                    if (_currentLiveCameraResult.Faces.Length > 0)
                        var faceAttributes = _currentLiveCameraResult.Faces[0].FaceAttributes;
                        new FaceAttributesResultEvent {FaceAttributesResult = faceAttributes});
    • handling events in ShellViewModel.cs
      (Updating Properties in ViewModel and Invoking Services)
    public class ShellViewModel : Screen, IHandle<FrameImageProvidedEvent>, IHandle<ResultImageAvailableEvent>,
        public void Handle(FaceAttributesResultEvent message)
            var faceAttributes = message.FaceAttributesResult;
            var averageAge = _faceService.CalculateAverageAge();
            var averageGender = _faceService.CalculateAverageGender();
            var emotionScores = faceAttributes.Emotion;
            var emotionScoresStatistics = _emotionService.CalculateEmotionScoresStatistics();
            var hairColors = faceAttributes.Hair.HairColor;
            var faceApiCallCount = _faceService.GetFaceServiceClientApiCallCount();
        public void Handle(FrameImageProvidedEvent message)
            FrameImage = message.FrameImage;
        public void Handle(ResultImageAvailableEvent message)
            ResultImage = message.ResultImage;

In general, we are using here ready-to-go VideoFrameAnalyzer project for frames grabbing and detecting faces locally. If local haar cascade classifier detects a face, algorithm invokes Face API service for analysis. In return, we are receiving data model of Face Attributes for that particular frame.

Additional features are:

  • displaying current basic face attributes, based on captured frame
  • displaying current face emotion attributes, based on captured frame
  • displaying all occurring face emotion attributes over time (UI timeline), with dominant emotion
  • displaying face emotion attributes statistics, based on face emotion attributes.

Database Upload

  1. With Entity Framework and Code-First approach creating model context was easy.

In FaceAnalyticsContext.cs file you will find Code-First Entity Framework approach example:

public class FaceAnalyticsContext : DbContext
        public FaceAnalyticsContext() : base("name=FaceAnalyticsContext")

        public virtual DbSet<Customer> Customer { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<Emotions> Emotions { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<SessionInterval> SessionInterval { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<Hair> Hair { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<FacialHair> FacialHair { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<AdditionalFeatures> AdditionalFeatures { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<Accessories> Accessories { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<SessionServicesDetails> CognitiveService { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet<Session> Session { get; set; }

    public class Customer

    public class Emotions

    public class SessionInterval

    public class Hair

    public class FacialHair

    public class AdditionalFeatures

    public class Accessories

    public class SessionServicesDetails


    public class Session
        public int SessionId { get; set; }

        public SessionServicesDetails SessionServicesDetails { get; set; }
        public DateTime? SessionDate { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan? SessionStartTime { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan? SessionEndTime { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan? SessionDuration { get; set; }
        public ICollection<SessionInterval> SessionIntervals { get; set; }
        public Customer Customer { get; set; }
  1. As you've seen before in event handling example, we are invoking DataInsertionService methods whenever frame result and face attributes come. Then after stopping a session, we are preparing context and uploading it.

In ShellViewModel.cs:

public void StopAnalyze()
private async void StopProcessing()
    await _videoFrameAnalyzerService.StopProcessing();

In DataInsertionService.cs:

public void InsertSessionData()
private async void InsertSessionDataToDatabaseContext()
    using (var databaseContext = new FaceAnalyticsContext())
        await databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync();

Database Check

  1. Checking if the context was uploaded correctly. Using SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio:

  2. Checking data in tables:

  • Sessions
  • SessionIntervals
  • Customers
  • Emotions

DirectQuery with Power Bi

  1. Great lecture about connecting data resources with Power BI: Use DirectQuery in Power BI Desktop
  2. Remember to make IP Whitelisting, in case you will receive this message:
  3. After connecting with database server you will be asked about tables you want to load:
  4. Loaded tables and hierarchy:
  5. Sample Power Bi chart (Age over Time, in example session):


Analyzing faces in real-time is a challenge, not only for a local machine but also for service. For quicker analysis, we used local face detector from the OpenCVSharp library (haar cascade) - it is a more convenient way to provide previously cropped faces from a whole image.

This solution and approach it is only a fraction of what we can achieve. For instance, providing face identifying would be a unique approach to recognizing specific customers - not only for binding their current customer's issues but also for storing data about their behavior and sentiment during the interview in Customer Service Point.

Automating this solution would also be helpful for Business Intelligence Analytics and Consultants. As a consultant increasing conversation quality with a customer is a must - imagine that you can get tips and hints during that talks and suited offers that are generated especially for that particular customer, just after analyzing his sentiment of talk and emotions (Machine Learning).

Few existing projects include similar scenario - I recommend you to read the one about Technical Case Study of BlueDynamic.


  • Łukasz Blyk - Senior Software Development & Integration Specialist, Tauron
  • Łukasz Cempulik - Software Development & Integration Specialist, Tauron
  • Marcin Zylski - Senior Software Development & Integration Specialist, Tauron
  • Tomasz Kozar - Cloud Technology Strategist, Microsoft
  • Borys Rybak - Software Development Engineer, Microsoft

Helpful Materials

  1. Other Projects
  1. Websites


This sample project is an example of analysing faces in real-time, by using Azure Cognitive Services, mostly by Face API service.







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