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e-zdravlje chrome-ext

Chrome extension for login for citizens

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e-zdravlje chrome extension

Google chrome extension that provides bookmarks for episodes
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About The Project

e-zdravlje chrome-ext is the Google Chrome extension that allows users to keep their login ids remembered along with their PIN codes and name.

It's useful in cases where multiple family members use the same PC for accessing e-zdravlje portal.


Here you will find instructions for how to use extension. If you are looking for instructions on how to setup extension for development, check out Instructions for developers


This extension is installed by adding it to Chrome via link:

Just click Add to Chrome and you should be ready to go.

Running extension for the first time

As this extension is triggered by e-zdravlje portal, you need to open e-zdravlje login page in new tab. Here's the link:

When page is opened, you should see something like this:


Just type in your login credentials and login. Once login is successful, extension will save your credentials in localstorage along with the name of the user (it's taken from e-zdravlje portal itself).

Next time when you go to login page, you will see no longer info alert (in blue) and will be able to select from the list of users.

Important If you want to disable saving PIN or users at all, check further instructions


Alongside basic functionality, here are some additional settings that can be opened if you click on button that is appended to list of users on login page. Check out this screen-shot:


Discover PIN

Alongside every saved user, there is possible saved PIN, which is not shown initialy. Visibility of the PIN itself can be toggled by clicking on eye button as can be seen in screenshot above

Remove PIN

Next to eye button there is also a button that will remove PIN so it's not saved anymore in localstorage

Delete user

If you want to remove a user from your list of saved users, you can use trash can button on far right side of the user

Do not remember new users

If you do not wish to remember any new users, you can uncheck the checkbox Pamti nove login-ove

Do not remember PINs for new users

If you do not wish to remember PIN for new users, you can uncheck the checkbox Pamti PIN-ove

Remove all users

To delete all users, simply click Obrisi sve button


Go to main Chrome menu -> More tools -> Extensions, find e-zdravlje chrome-ext and click Remove button

Instructions for developers

  • Clone repository
  • Open Extensions menu
  • Enable Developer mode
  • Click Load unpacked
  • Select cloned repository folder


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature)
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Borko Rajkovic

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