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BokkyPooBah's Ether Refundable Prize

A digital gift token backed by ethers.

My initial use is to incentivise The DAO token holders to withdraw their refunds, but anyone is free to use these unlimited (but increasingly more expensive to purchase) tokens as a digital ETH gift card.

This is my first implementation of Vlad Zamfir's Safe Token Sale Mechanism Contract.

Table of contents

The BERP Token Contract

The BokkyPooBahsEtherRefundablePrize.sol contract has been deployed to 0xed7da010027967365e0a7c370c1dde2f9fe4477f at 02:54:00 Mon April 10 2017 UTC (Unix timestamp 1491792840).

Token Explorer: 0xed7da010027967365e0a7c370c1dde2f9fe4477f

The BERP Token Contract Buy Price And Sell Price

These tokens can be bought from this contract at the Buy Price.

These tokens can always be sold back to this contract at the Sell Price. Ethers backing the token balance are locked in the token contract.

The periods are relative to the contract deployment date of 02:54:00 Mon April 10 2017 UTC (Unix timestamp 1491792840).

Period                                ETH per BERP
------------------------- ------------------------
From         To               Buy Price Sell Price
------------ ------------ ------------- ----------
start        +7 days             0.0010     0.0010
+7 days      +30 days            0.0011     0.0010
+30 days     +60 days            0.0012     0.0010
+60 days     +90 days            0.0013     0.0010
+90 days     +365 days           0.0015     0.0010
+365 days    forever          1000.0000     0.0010

You may find higher or lower prices for these tokens at

How To Buy BERP Tokens

Just send ETH to the BERP contract at 0xed7da010027967365e0a7c370c1dde2f9fe4477f and BERP tokens will be deposited in your account. See the Buy Price above to calculate the number of BERP tokens you will receive. Test out will a small amount before committing larger amounts.

To view the BERP tokens in Ethereum Wallet / Mist, Parity or MyEtherWallet, add a Watch Token at the address 0xed7da010027967365e0a7c370c1dde2f9fe4477f.

If you want to contribute BERPs to the reward contribution pool, Watch the BERP Token Contract and Watch the BERP Token, then transfer the BERP tokens to 0x000003e1e88a1110e961f135df8cdea4b1ffa81a.

How To Sell BERP Tokens Back To The BERP Contract

Watch the BERP Token Contract in Ethereum Wallet / Mist, Parity or MyEtherWallet.

Select the Sell Tokens option

Specify the amount of tokens you want to sell

Specify the account that owns the tokens

Execute the transaction, and your BERP tokens will be transformed back into ETH

Testing And Results

The test cases can be found in test/ and the results from this test in test/test1results.txt.

Incentivising The DAO Refundathon With The BERP Tokens Prize Pool. Come Claim Your Prize! Ends In Less Than 5 Days

Details of this offer from Incentivising The DAO Refundathon With The BERP Tokens Prize Pool. Come Claim Your Prize! Ends In Less Than 5 Days dated Apr 10 2017 follow:


  • The DAO To ETC refund withdrawals end on April 15 2017 (unless extended) and there is 1,687,973.8684 ETC (USD 4,405,611.80) waiting to be withdrawn
  • The DAO token holders (DTHs) who execute their DAO to ETC (most important), DAO to ETH, and DAO to ETH ExtraBalance withdrawals will go into a pool for BokkyPooBah's Ether Refundable Prize (BERP) token distribution
  • Individuals who causes other DTHs to execute their refund withdrawals will also go into the same pool for BERP token distribution
  • I will contribute 12,540 BERP tokens to the BERP token distribution pool
  • Each BERP token will always have a minimum value of 0.001 ETH
  • Anyone who strongly feels that the DAO to ETC withdrawal contract needs to be drawn down so the Whitehat Group (WHG) does not get to decide what to do with the funds can send a contribution to the pool
  • Anyone who wants to help incentivise DTHs withdraw can also send a contribution to the pool
  • Any contributions of ETH or BERP tokens sent to 0x000003e1e88a1110e961f135df8cdea4b1ffa81a will be added to the prize distribution pool
  • BERP tokens can be bought from the BERP token contract by sending ETH to 0xed7da010027967365e0a7c370c1dde2f9fe4477f
  • BERP token details can be found at here

What Can You Do?

  • If you are a DTH, execute your refund withdrawals immediately!
  • If you know any DTHs, contact them through whatever means and get them to execute their refund withdrawals immediately!

How Do I/The DTH Withdraw My/Their Refunds?

How Do I/The DTH Get Into The Prize Distribution Pool?

  • Post your transaction id and your BERP reward account to this post
  • Or if you caused a DTH to execute their refund, post their transaction id and your BERP reward account to this post
  • If you prefer, send me a private message . Note that the final distribution when the Withdrawal contract expires will be made public.


  • The DAO to ETC refund withdrawals end on April 15 2017. The Whitehat Group will have access to the balance of the funds after this date - see
  • A few people in the Ethereum community are not happy about this, so let us try to reduce the balance of the withdrawal contract
  • 12.54 ETH has been personally donated to me recently when helping out DTHs withdraw their refunds
  • This 12.54 ETH has been used to create 12,540 BERP tokens
  • Each BERP tokens cost 0.001 ETH to purchase for the first 7 days from the creation of the BERP token contract (02:54:00 Mon April 10 2017 UTC)
  • Each BERP tokens will cost 0.0011 ETH to purchase after 7 days and up to 30 days, and this rate will continue increasing
  • See this for the price increases
  • After 1 year, each BERP tokens will cost 1,000 ETH to purchase
  • BERP tokens can always be sold back to the BERP token contract to receive 0.001 ETH for each BERP token
  • BERP tokens are ERC20 compliant, are currently tradable at [E]
  • Note that after 7 days, the excess cost over 1 BERP = 0.001 ETH will end up in the BERP token contract, and the owner (me) will have access to these funds. So only buy BERP tokens after 7 days if you are feeling very generous
  • You can buy BERP tokens and give them out for any purpose. They will always be refundable for 0.001 ETH
  • The final distribution (and contributions) of BERP tokens when the DAO to ETC withdrawal contract period expires will be published at .

(This may be a bad idea, but I least I did try)


BERP Reward Contributions

ETH or BERP contributions to the reward pool 0x000003e1e88a1110e961f135df8cdea4b1ffa81a follows:

# Contribution Tx +BERP / ETH BERP / ETH Balance Notes
1 0xbf5d0043... 12,540 BERP 12,540 BERP My contribution
2 0xb4d2f9e0... 1 ETH 13,540 BERP 1 ETH converted to 1,000 BERP

Any ETH contributions will be converted into BERP before the distribution.


BERP Reward Distribution

UPDATE Apr 15 2017 - The WhitehatWithdraw contract has been extended to Jan 10 2018. The date that I close the BERP Reward Distribution pool and distribute the rewards has not been decided yet. This page will be updated when this is done.

13,540 BERPs will be distributed to the reward accounts on the ETH chain in the list below in equal proportions when the WhitehatWithdraw contract expires (expected April 15 2017):

# ETH Chain Reward Account Withdrawal Tx Source
1 0xe0A2AC4c7b46Ce32C5b4Bf153Ca50E603D36Abc8 0xce4babae... Source
2 0x308032027f59Eb13e8A26E923958a687e81875b1 0x9ec8f7166... Source
3 0xfD918536A8efa6F6cEFE1fa1153995Fef5E33d3B 0x25b40be2... Private Reddit message
4 0xcb671b251b156e7a8ed54c8701eb3de671f8f5d5 0x161f6519... Private Reddit message
5 0x7BE8dA14C273005B1186f3DeB5EA5BC1A18C1c4F 0x077fe8e7... Private Reddit message - a person
6 0x7BE8dA14C273005B1186f3DeB5EA5BC1A18C1c4F 0x75768a45... Private Reddit message - and the person's friend
7 0x17d5bf1a76f7611e00cea9be8f1022070a4ee29a 0x49f29208... Private Reddit message
8 0x6c86E8f3bF9C2cc5C8214A5CA6dC92dFd7dA30fF 0xe8514184... and 0xc32e7841... Private Reddit message
9 0x5056E5ffd4a227bDABEb3C62e29E274a72a3E9E8 0xac08dcb9... Private Reddit message
10 0x6c9d61a7bc4effdcad6e72df9dfc12f23b9d5f35 0x47c13bc4... Private Reddit message
11 0x0909a998E48eF88764B710164A1623F640BAE6C1 0x4631dc0a... Private Reddit message
12 0x54730fc41d0f435967b207fc23a8830380fc3a75 0x2436431a... Private Reddit message
13 0x169a8f6288f5f146b0105bA572200Be77606Fee2 0x313622a5..., 0x027c262f... Private Reddit message
14 0xae0CDCC50ee55019463FB8cE234188fbd0e2B60a 0x9c7d6683..., 0xe2d3c8b8... Private Reddit message
15 0x72fb9ccB7cd01d3DBc52988712a6bA5F397617B6 0x9c7d6683... Private Reddit message
16 0xa111F978d7aF8b7037760669381ff12550708d5b 0x51a61a3e... Private Reddit message
17 0x274d053162e53eb5bf6498450df5bab87a2ab488 0x36a035c4... Private Reddit message
18 0xbe0ba0b2731811e6dcd67ae230f5b17cf835e1df 0xe0b6c6d7... Private Reddit message
19 0xc94f92bf72b14adc310759cc342ef344609d0c6b 0xb8db7ba5... DAOHub message
20 0xFceC7dc6323D6343A49fbf81D025cBD76AC6456B 0xab427cf7... Private Reddit message
21 0x4fe6a5d3a1b698c90DD3cb7db489Acb299B5fF92 0xab427cf7... Private Reddit message
22 0xcb3ABf60B137E389eB78061a358A85Bcac73D7b6 0xe4551ab1... Private DAOHub message

Enjoy. (c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2017. The MIT Licence.