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Javascript QA for SwarmDB

Quick Start

  1. Clone repo.
  2. Install dependencies, initialize and update submodules, and compile bluzelle-js client code, and compile bluzelleESR solidity contract.
  3. Run tests.
npm install
npm run setup-bluzelle-js
npm run setup-bluzelleESR
npm run link-daemon <relative/path/to/swarmDB/binary> // run npm run link-daemon for more detailed instructions
npm run deploy-ganache
npm test

Remote swarm testing

# Set 3 environment variables:

# Now functional tests will be ran against the specified remote swarm
npm run test-functional

Spawning a standalone swarm for "remote" testing

# defaults to numOfNodes set in test.configurations.js, can override with a positional argument
npm run spawn-swarm

# npm run spawn-swarm 5

Network performance testing

The performance of the swarm can vary a lot depending on the host(s). A profiling script is used to test the average swarm response time. It can also be ran against a remote swarm. Follow instructions above.

# defaults to spin up 4 local nodes, can adjust number of nodes with an argument
npm run profile

# npm run profile 8  

Test swarm speed and run tests

Automatically run the above profile script, and use the average latency to adjust the timing of the test timeouts by setting environment variable KEY_CREATION_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER.

# defaults to run the whole test suite
npm run calibrate-and-run 
# npm run calibrate-and-run test-functional
# npm run calibrate-and-run test-integration


Log levels can be set via environment variable

# info, warn, crit

System Requirements

  • Node > v10.10.0
  • OpenSSL > 1.0.2 or LibreSSL > 2.2.7
  • Stable internet connection > 15 Mbps down


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