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Automated media transcoding, indexing, and storage.


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Automated media transcoding, indexing, and storage.

Getting media files to playback on all platforms is a real chore. There are media library managers and transcoders, but none are simultaneously comprehensive, easy to use, and free. Volyar is a media library transcoder built to fill the gap.



This is a dotnet core application, so you'll need the dotnet framework installed. Many platforms have dotnet core available via package management, but if you just want install binaries they're available here. You'll also need ffmpeg, ffprobe and mp4box installed.

With the prerequisites handled, clone this repository:

>git clone

Enter the repo directory:

>cd Volyar

Run the build script. This will also update you to the latest commit:

>chmod +x

Now run the run script:

>chmod +x
Hosting environment: Production
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

You can now navigate to the web UI at http:/localhost:7014/voly/external/ui.

Systemd Service Configuration

A service file is also included. Modify it to your needs, and install it the typical way:

sudo cp volyar.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable volyar
sudo systemctl start volyar
sudo systemctl status volyar


On first start, a configuration file (vsettings.json) is created in the working directory. The default configuration works, but won't be terribly useful without modification.

Web interface settings

  • Listen
    • The IP address to listen on. Use to listen on all interfaces.
  • Port
    • The port to listen on for the web UI and APIs.
  • BasePath
    • The web UI and API base path.

Database settings

  • DatabaseType
    • The type of database to use. Accepts: temp, sqlite, sqlserver, mysql.
  • DatabaseConnection
    • The database connection to use. Example: Data Source=mydata.sqlite;

External Dependency Settings

  • FFmpegPath
    • An absolute or relative path to an ffmpeg executable.
  • FFprobePath
    • An absolute or relative path to an ffprobe executable.
  • Mp4BoxPath
    • An absolute or relative path to an mp4box executable.

Misc Settings

  • TempPath
    • The global temp path to use. If none is given, the working directory is used.
  • Parallelization
    • The number of media files to process at once.
  • CompleteQueueLength
    • Specifies the number of items to keep track of after they've gone through conversion.

Library Settings

Libraries are given as a collection of the following properties.

  • Name
    • The library name. Must be unique.
  • Enable
    • True by default. Set to false to disable processing of this library.
  • OriginPath
    • The path to source media items from.
  • SourceHandling
    • None by default. Defines what should be done with source files after successful processing.
      • none
        • Nothing will be done to source files.
      • truncate
        • Source files will be truncated to zero bytes.
      • delete
        • Source files will be deleted.
        • Avoid using this with DeleteWithSource: true.
  • DeleteWithSource
    • True by default. Transcoded media objects are scheduled for deletion from the database and storage backend when the source file cannot be found. Avoid using this with SourceHandling: "delete" unless you don't care about your files.
  • TempPath
    • The temporary path to store intermediate files when encoding.
  • ForceFramerate
    • Zero by default. If not zero, the output framerate is forced to this value on encode.
  • ValidExtensions
    • The file extensions allowed for uptake in a scan. Should start with a dot (.mp4, .mkv, etc.)
  • DownmixAudio
    • True by default. Audio tracks with more than two channels are downmixed into stereo. Two channel audio is more compatible with web browsers.
  • Qualities
    • A collection of qualities to encode into.
  • StorageBackend
    • The storage backend setting to use for this library.
  • WebHooks
    • A collection of web hooks to call upon completion of a conversion.
  • ApiIntegration
    • A backend API to query for metadata about a media file upon conversion.

The qualities, storage backend and web hooks settings for a library are a bit more complex than the others, so they're broken out below.


Qualities determine how media will be encoded. You can configure multiple qualities to take advantage of MPEG DASH adaptive bitrate streaming.

"Qualities": [
    "Width": 1920,
    "Height": 1080,
    "Bitrate": 4000,
    "Preset": "medium",
    "Profile": "High",
    "Level": "4.1",
    "PixelFormat": "yuv420p"
    "Width": 1280,
    "Height": 720,
    "Bitrate": 1800,
    "Preset": "medium",
    "Profile": "High",
    "Level": "4.1",
    "PixelFormat": "yuv420p"
  • Width
    • Width of frame in pixels.
  • Height
    • Height of frame in pixels.
  • Bitrate
    • Bitrate of media in kb/s.
  • Preset
    • ffmpeg preset (veryfast, fast, medium, slow, veryslow).
  • Profile
    • ffmpeg h264 encoding profile (Baseline, Main, High).
  • Level
    • ffmpeg h264 encoding profile level (3.0, 4.0, 4.1...)
  • PixelFormat
    • ffmpeg pixel format or pix_fmt (yuv420p for best compatibility).

Storage Backend

The storage backend determines how media will be stored. You can store to a local disk, or upload media to a cloud provider. You should only set one of the following, and leave the rest as null. Setting more than one will cause only one to be used.

"StorageBackend": {
  "Filesystem": {
	"Directory": "C:\\Users\\SAMSA\\Documents\\volytest\\library"
  • Directory
    • The filesystem path to store at
"StorageBackend": {
  "AmazonS3": {
    "Filesystem": {
      "ApiKey": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCD",
      "Endpoint": "",
      "Bucket": "mybucket",
      "CannedACL": "public-read",
      "SignatureVersion": "4",
  • AccessKey
    • Your AWS access key.
  • ApiKey
    • The API key to use for authentication.
  • Endpoint
  • Bucket
    • The S3 bucket to store files in.
  • CannedACL
  • SignatureVersion
    • Some S3 providers don't support v4 signatures (e.g. Digital Ocean Spaces). Set this to "2" when using such a provider.
"StorageBackend": {
  "Azure": {
    "Account": "myaccount",
    "SasToken": "?sv=2019-01-01&ss=b&srt=co&sp=abcdef&se=2019-12-31T12:00:00Z&st=2019-12-31T12:00:00Z&spr=https&sig=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHI",
    "Container": "mycontainer"
  • Account
    • The Azure account to connect to.
  • SasToken
    • The Azure SAS token to authenticate with.
  • Container
    • The container to store files in.
"StorageBackend": {
  "BunnyCDN": {
    "ApiKey": "abcdefgh-ijkl-mnop-qrstuvwxyz01-2345-6789",
    "StorageZone": "myzone"
  • ApiKey
    • Your BunnyCDN API key.
  • StorageZone
    • The storage zone to store files in.


WebHooks are called when a conversion is completed. They simply make a call to a remote resource with no payload.

"WebHooks": [
    "Url": "https://somesite.example",
    "Method": "post",
    "Username": "tom",
    "Password": "mypass"
  • Url
    • The endpoint to call.
  • Method
    • The HTTP method to use: Put or post.
  • Username
    • A username if needed for http authentication.
  • Password
    • A password if needed for http authentication.

API Integration

A library's API integration is called whenever a media item is transcoded. It's used to fill in metadata about a media item, like the series and episode title, or the IMDb or TVDB IDs. This can be incredibly useful, so adding an integration hook is strongly encouraged if one is available.

"ApiIntegration": [
    "Url": "https://somesite.example/sonarr",
    "Type": "sonarr",
    "ApiKey": "6c2e7634f46959b20a51993205b5c29b",
    "Username": "tom",
    "Password": "mypass"
  • Url
    • The API endpoint to call. Don't include /api, just the base URL.
  • Type
    • The type of API. Supports 'sonarr' and 'radarr'.
  • Username
    • A username if needed for http authentication.
  • Password
    • A password if needed for http authentication.

Web UI

The Web UI can be accessed by default at http://localhost:7014/voly/external/ui. The port and "/voly/" (BasePath) component of the URL are configurable. See Web Configuration section for more info.

The Web UI is split into tabs for organization of function. The following explains what each tab does.


The conversions tab can be used to trigger a global library scan, check conversion in progress, and see the last few items which were converted. You can also pause and resume the queue, as well as cancel items. All operations are completely safe to do at any time, although obviously if you cancel a conversion in progress you'll lose that progress.

A note on pause/resume

Pausing the conversion queue doesn't pause conversions, it pauses the queue. What's the difference? When you pause the queue, the conversion currently in Processing will continue on, but when they finish no items from the Waiting area will begin processing until the queue is resumed.


When items are deleted, by default they aren't -actually- deleted, they're put into the pending deletions queue. This is done to provide a trade-off between automation and safety. To actually delete things, you'll typically review the pending deletions tab on the web UI, and approve or cancel deletions manually.


  • /external/api/version

    • GET
      • Returns the program version.
  • /external/api/conversion/status

    • GET
      • Returns a collection of items currently being processed, and in queue for processing.
  • /external/api/conversion/complete

    • GET
      • Returns a collection of items which have either completed, or errored out (ErrorText != null).
  • /external/api/media/allmedia

    • GET
      • Returns a collection of all indexed media from all libraries.
  • /external/api/media/diff/[library?]/[transactionId]

    • GET
      • Returns a differential between some point, given by the transaction ID, and now.
      • The library component of the path is optional. Simply omit it to get a diff across all libraries.
      • When a library is queried, the API will only return additions and deletions for that library, but will return all deletions. This is done because the library a deleted item belonged to is not stored.
  • /internal/api/scan/full

    • POST
      • Starts a scan across all libraries.
  • /internal/api/scan/library/[library]

    • POST
      • Starts a scan of a single library.
  • /internal/api/scan/library/[library]/filtered

    • POST
      • Starts a scan of a single library, and restricts the scan to a set of files.
      • Takes a json array of strings as the HTTP body.
  • /internal/api/scan/sonarr/[library]

    • POST
      • Starts a scan of a single file, as specified by a Sonarr or Radarr WebHook body.


Your media library might be quite large, and the queries to allmedia quite slow. A much faster way for an external service to determine what's in a library is to keep its local database synchronized with the Volyar database by using differentials. A differential is just a set of data showing what's been added, removed and changed since the last query. Each differential you get will include a TransactionId, which can be used for the next diff query to determine what's been changed in the meantime.


Automated media transcoding, indexing, and storage.








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