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Multi-Market Maker bot

There are two ways to run the bot

Option 1: Run the bot with docker (recommended way)

You can install the docker from link and docker-compose (

Step 1: Clone the git repo: git clone

Step 2: cd into the folder: cd market_maker and run ./ start to config your strategy.

Note: The webserver is authorized by an ephemeral token generated on the server bootstrap. If you forget the token, you can get it via running this command: ./ start, which gives you the url to access your webserver

./ will show you how to use the cli.

Option 2: Run with source code

Environment / OS setup

You need to follow these steps only when you choose to run the bot on bare operating system. For running using Docker you can fast forward to "run using docker" section


  • python >= 3.7
  • nodejs >= 10.16
  • yarn
  • poetry

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS setup

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has both 2 and 3 python versions of python present. We want to use python 3 for setup and running of MM bot but we need 3.7 version


  • apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev python3-distutils python3.7-venv for installing latest python 3.7 and poetry's needed dependencies
  • curl -sSL | python3.7 (note the 3.7 at the end)
  • sed -i 's/python/python3.7/' $HOME/.poetry/bin/poetry to use ubuntu's custom python3 environment



Before First Run

Install Dependencies

poetry install
cd mm_bot/exchange/maker && yarn && cd -

Prepare Database Environment

  • MMM bot uses sqlite database
  • default database location is db/database.sqlite, you can change MMBC_DATABASE_URL to any location
  • run poetry run alembic upgrade head to create sqlite DB file and apply all migrations

Run test

you can run poetry run pytest in the root directory, all tests should pass before running

Run the web ui to config the parameters

poetry run python

Run the bot

poetry run python

Move liquidity from taker exchanges to maker exchange

It means there is more liquidity in the taker exchanges with smaller bid-ask spread.

There are two types of orders: buy order and sell order

  1. Buy order. Bot creates a limit buy order on the maker exchange. Once this order is filled, it immediately creates an opposite sell order in the taker exchange. This requires the Price(bid, taker exchange) > Price(bid, maker exchange) when opening a buy order in the maker exchange

  2. Sell order. Bot creates a limit sell order in the maker exchange. Once this order is filled, it immediately creates an opposite buy order in the taker exchange. This requires the Price(ask, taker exchange) < Price(ask, maker exchange) when opening a buy order in the maker exchange


Are my private keys and API keys secure?

Since the MMM Bot is a local client, your private keys and API keys are as secure as the computer you use. The keys are only used to sign authorized instructions locally on the local machine, and only signed/authorized transactions are sent out from the client. Always use caution and make sure the computer you are running MMM Bot on is safe, secure, and free from unauthorized access.