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K8s webhook that copies docker image from public registry to ECR repo

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Kubernetes mutating webhook to copy public Docker images to AWS ECR registry for scanning purposes. Works by listening to pod startup via kubernetes webhook and spins up a job to copy image from public repository ( to private ECR registry then update pod image to private image.

How does it works?

Privatize works by listening to kubernetes webhook for all pod creation and update event. Once the webhook triggers it scan through all images in the pod and detect public images. If there are one or more public images it spin up kubernetes job to copy images from the public registry to private ECR registry. Once the job is spun up the target pod public images are replaced by newly created private image.


environment description default
SERVER_HTTP_PORT HTTPS port for server 80
SERVER_HTTPS_PORT HTTP port for server 443
SERVER_TLS_KEY_PATH Server TLS key path, ignored whe SERVER_TLS_KEY is set ./meta/certs/key.pem
SERVER_TLS_CERT_PATH Server TLS certificate path, ignored whe SERVER_TLS_CERT is set ./meta/certs/cert.pem
SERVER_TLS_KEY Server TLS key string null
SERVER_TLS_CERT Server TLS certificate string null
COPY_JOB_NAMESPACE Namespace where copy job will be spin up privatize
COPY_JOB_IMAGE Copy job image name blackbirdcloud/image-syncer:0.0.1
COPY_JOB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME Copy job service account name privatize
COPY_JOB_BACKOFF_LIMIT Copy job backoff limit 1
COPY_JOB_COMPLETION Copy job completion 2
ECR_REGISTRY Target ECR Registry address (required) null
ECR_REPOSITORY_POLICY_TEXT ECR Repository policy document (required) null


Kubernetes requires TLS for webhook server, this repo includes self signed certificate for development purpose. TLS certificate can be mounted as files with SERVER_TLS_KEY_PATH and SERVER_TLS_CERT_PATH env variable or directly without files via SERVER_TLS_KEY and SERVER_TLS_CERT env variable. TLS certificate must be valid for <svc_name>.<svc_namespace>.svc

Helm deploy

Helm chart for to deploy this service is available on ./charts/privatize


  • Use blackbirdcloud/image-syncer to sync itself to your private ECR repo to prevent infinite loop of job creation due to image-syncer being public.

  • There is a racing condition between webhook response and copy image job which can result in image pull backoff event on pod. It's caused by job not done before the webhook response, this error will go away by itself when job is finished.

Sample K8s Mutating Webhook

kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
  name: privatize
  resourceVersion: "57397"
  uid: 16217d0e-491b-42f2-b728-43a5e257a867
- admissionReviewVersions:
  - v1beta1
      namespace: privatize
      name: privatize
    caBundle: CA_BUNDLE
  failurePolicy: Ignore
  matchPolicy: Equivalent
  name: privatize
  namespaceSelector: {}
  objectSelector: {}
  reinvocationPolicy: IfNeeded
  - apiGroups:
    - ""
    - v1
    - CREATE
    - pods
    scope: '*'
  sideEffects: None
  timeoutSeconds: 10

Sample ECR Policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "PrivateReadOnly",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": [
      "Action": [
      "Sid": "ReadWrite",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/image-syncer"
      "Action": [


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