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485 lines (372 loc) · 23.4 KB

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485 lines (372 loc) · 23.4 KB


All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api

Method HTTP request Description
getAssociationObject GET /association/{id} Returns the association with a given identifier
getAssociationSearch GET /association/find/ Returns list of matching associations
getAssociationSearch_0 GET /association/find/{subject_category}/ Returns list of matching associations
getAssociationSearch_1 GET /association/find/{subject_category}/{object_category}/ Returns list of matching associations
getAssociationsFrom GET /association/between/{subject}/{object} Returns associations connecting two entities
getAssociationsFrom_0 GET /association/from/{subject} Returns list of matching associations
getAssociationsTo GET /association/to/{object} Returns list of matching associations


[Association] getAssociationObject(id, opts)

Returns the association with a given identifier

An association connects, at a minimum, two things, designated subject and object, via some relationship. Associations also include evidence, provenance etc.


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var id = "id_example"; // String | 

var opts = { 
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  '_object': "_object_example", // String | OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'subject': "subject_example", // String | SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default
  'flExcludesEvidence': true, // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response
  'rows': 10 // Integer | number of rows

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationObject(id, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
id String
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
_object String OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default [optional]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
subject String SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default [optional]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


[AssociationResults] getAssociationSearch(opts)

Returns list of matching associations


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var opts = { 
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  '_object': "_object_example", // String | OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'subject': "subject_example", // String | SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default
  'flExcludesEvidence': true, // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response
  'rows': 10 // Integer | number of rows

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationSearch(opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
_object String OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default [optional]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
subject String SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default [optional]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


[AssociationResults] getAssociationSearch_0(objectCategory, subjectCategory, opts)

Returns list of matching associations


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var objectCategory = "objectCategory_example"; // String | CATEGORY of entity at link OBJECT (target), e.g. phenotype, disease

var subjectCategory = "subjectCategory_example"; // String | CATEGORY of entity at link SUBJECT (source), e.g. gene, disease, genotype

var opts = { 
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  '_object': "_object_example", // String | OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'subject': "subject_example", // String | SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default
  'flExcludesEvidence': true, // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response
  'rows': 10 // Integer | number of rows

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationSearch_0(objectCategory, subjectCategory, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
objectCategory String CATEGORY of entity at link OBJECT (target), e.g. phenotype, disease
subjectCategory String CATEGORY of entity at link SUBJECT (source), e.g. gene, disease, genotype
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
_object String OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default [optional]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
subject String SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default [optional]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


[AssociationResults] getAssociationSearch_1(objectCategory, subjectCategory, opts)

Returns list of matching associations


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var objectCategory = "objectCategory_example"; // String | CATEGORY of entity at link OBJECT (target), e.g. phenotype, disease

var subjectCategory = "subjectCategory_example"; // String | CATEGORY of entity at link SUBJECT (source), e.g. gene, disease, genotype

var opts = { 
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  '_object': "_object_example", // String | OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'subject': "subject_example", // String | SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default
  'flExcludesEvidence': true, // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response
  'rows': 10 // Integer | number of rows

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationSearch_1(objectCategory, subjectCategory, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
objectCategory String CATEGORY of entity at link OBJECT (target), e.g. phenotype, disease
subjectCategory String CATEGORY of entity at link SUBJECT (source), e.g. gene, disease, genotype
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
_object String OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default [optional]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
subject String SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default [optional]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


[AssociationResults] getAssociationsFrom(subject, _object, opts)

Returns associations connecting two entities

Given two entities (e.g. a particular gene and a particular disease), if these two entities are connected (directly or indirectly), then return the association objects describing the connection.


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var subject = "subject_example"; // String | E.g. e.g. MGI:1342287

var _object = "_object_example"; // String | E.g. e.g. MP:0013765, can also be a biological entity such as a gene

var opts = { 
  'objectCategory': "objectCategory_example", // String | e.g. disease, phenotype, gene
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'slim': ["slim_example"], // [String] | Map objects up (slim) to a higher level category. Value can be ontology class ID or subset ID
  'useCompactAssociations': true, // Boolean | If true, returns results in compact associations format
  'subjectCategory': "subjectCategory_example", // String | e.g. gene, genotype, disease
  'rows': 10, // Integer | number of rows
  'flExcludesEvidence': true // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationsFrom(subject, _object, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
subject String E.g. e.g. MGI:1342287
_object String E.g. e.g. MP:0013765, can also be a biological entity such as a gene
objectCategory String e.g. disease, phenotype, gene [optional]
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
slim [String] Map objects up (slim) to a higher level category. Value can be ontology class ID or subset ID [optional]
useCompactAssociations Boolean If true, returns results in compact associations format [optional]
subjectCategory String e.g. gene, genotype, disease [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


[AssociationResults] getAssociationsFrom_0(subject, opts)

Returns list of matching associations


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var subject = "subject_example"; // String | E.g. e.g. NCBIGene:84570

var opts = { 
  'objectCategory': "objectCategory_example", // String | e.g. disease, phenotype, gene
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'slim': ["slim_example"], // [String] | Map objects up (slim) to a higher level category. Value can be ontology class ID or subset ID
  'useCompactAssociations': true, // Boolean | If true, returns results in compact associations format
  'subjectCategory': "subjectCategory_example", // String | e.g. gene, genotype, disease
  'rows': 10, // Integer | number of rows
  'flExcludesEvidence': true // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationsFrom_0(subject, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
subject String E.g. e.g. NCBIGene:84570
objectCategory String e.g. disease, phenotype, gene [optional]
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
slim [String] Map objects up (slim) to a higher level category. Value can be ontology class ID or subset ID [optional]
useCompactAssociations Boolean If true, returns results in compact associations format [optional]
subjectCategory String e.g. gene, genotype, disease [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


[AssociationResults] getAssociationsTo(_object, opts)

Returns list of matching associations


var BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

var apiInstance = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi();

var _object = "_object_example"; // String | E.g. e.g. MP:0013765, can also be a biological entity such as a gene

var opts = { 
  'objectCategory': "objectCategory_example", // String | e.g. disease, phenotype, gene
  'evidence': "evidence_example", // String | Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
  'mapIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // String | Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
  'page': 1, // Integer | Page number
  'graphize': true, // Boolean | If set, includes graph object in response
  'subjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // String | SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
  'slim': ["slim_example"], // [String] | Map objects up (slim) to a higher level category. Value can be ontology class ID or subset ID
  'useCompactAssociations': true, // Boolean | If true, returns results in compact associations format
  'subjectCategory': "subjectCategory_example", // String | e.g. gene, genotype, disease
  'rows': 10, // Integer | number of rows
  'flExcludesEvidence': true // Boolean | If set, excludes evidence objects in response

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.getAssociationsTo(_object, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
_object String E.g. e.g. MP:0013765, can also be a biological entity such as a gene
objectCategory String e.g. disease, phenotype, gene [optional]
evidence String Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default) or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2. [optional]
mapIdentifiers String Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene [optional]
page Integer Page number [optional] [default to 1]
graphize Boolean If set, includes graph object in response [optional]
subjectTaxon String SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default [optional]
slim [String] Map objects up (slim) to a higher level category. Value can be ontology class ID or subset ID [optional]
useCompactAssociations Boolean If true, returns results in compact associations format [optional]
subjectCategory String e.g. gene, genotype, disease [optional]
rows Integer number of rows [optional] [default to 10]
flExcludesEvidence Boolean If set, excludes evidence objects in response [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json