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A testbed for deploying and monitoring clustered Elixir applications in Kubernetes - with Prometheus monitoring and Grafana metrics display.

ex_bench supported

This project builds with ex_bench support



See the Makefile for all available tasks - the tasks are currently :

Command Description
attach-app-0 attach to first instance of app running in stateful set
attach-app-1 attach to second instance of app running in stateful set
backup-monitoring-secrets backup the monitoring secrets to namespace backup
build build the application into a docker image
deploy-app deploy the application to k8s namespace elixir
deploy-monitoring deploy the monitoring tools (prometheus/grafana) to namespace monitoring
docker-run run single instance of the image in docker (no kubenetes involved)
kaniko-build build the docker image using kaniko (rootless, runs as a kubernetes job)
mix-run-0 run instance 0 of the application using iex/mix (dev mode, libcluster hard coded 2 nodes)
mix-run-1 run instance 1 of the application using iex/mix (dev mode, libcluster hard coded 2 nodes)
port-forward-elixir port forward the first elixir container to localhost (14000) so you can access via http
port-forward-grafana port forward the grafana container to localhost (3000) so you can access via http
port-forward-prometheus port forward the prometheus container to localhost (9090) so you can access via http
push push the project to docker hub
rerun-grafana-import-dashboards tweak grafana dashboards, export via GUI, copy to ops/monitoring/config/grafana-import-dashboards and execute to import
restore-monitoring-secrets destroyed the monitoring namespace, use this to avoid having to re-enter the required secrets
undeploy-app destroy the elixir namespace
undeploy-monitoring destroy the monitoring namespace
deploy-logging deploy elasticsearch, fluentd, kibana
undeploy-logging undeploy elasticsearch, fluentd, kibana
deploy-counter-example deploy a pod which outputs an incrementing counter to stdout (picked up by fluentd, sent to elasticsearch, viewable in kibana

Publicly exposing services (Ingress)

This project has not been made to by default expose services directly to the internet - if you want to do so - you can execute one of the following commands in order to expose the 'is-it-up' service.

Direct TCP access

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: is-it-up-ingress
  namespace: elixir
    serviceName:  is-it-up
    servicePort: 4000

HTTP proxying - restricted to two paths

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -

kind: Ingress
  name: simple-fanout-example
  namespace: elixir
  annotations: /
  - host:
      - path: /metrics
          serviceName: is-it-up
          servicePort: 4000
      - path: /google_status
          serviceName: is-it-up
          servicePort: 4000

Expose grafana

#apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
#kind: Ingress
#  name: grafana-ingress
#  namespace: monitoring
#  rules:
#  - http:
#      paths:
#      - backend:
#          serviceName: grafana
#          servicePort: 3000

Doesn't work - see the following for more info :