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Chirrup is a value validator on Swift2. Built for iOS


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Chirrup is a value validator for Swift.

Available validation rules(or types)

  • IsTrue -- check if value is True
  • Greater(than: String) -- check if value is strictly greater than
  • Lower(than: String) -- check if value is strictly lower than
  • NonEmpty -- check if value is not empty, uses Swift's isEmpty
  • Between(from: String, to: String) -- check if value is between two other values. Uses Greater and Lower rules in its implementation
  • Contains(value: String) -- check if string contains the value. Case insensitive
  • IsNumeric -- check if value is numeric one. Tries to convert to Double?


First create the Chirrup instance

let chirrup = Chirrup()

Then the following methods are available for use:

public func validate(fieldName: String, value: String, with rules: [ValidationRule],
      _ callback: validationCallback? = nil) -> [ValidationRule]
public func validate(fieldName: String, value: String, with rule: ValidationRule,
      _ callback: validationCallbackSingle? = nil) -> ValidationRule?
  • fieldName: String is passed to callback if such is provided as the last argument
  • value to be validated
  • rules validation types to validate value with
  • and optional callback which runs no matter what if passed as an argument. It gets the errors array and the field name(field below in Examples section) or just one error - it depends on callback type:
  public typealias validationCallback       = (errors: [ValidationRule],  fieldName: String) -> ()
  public typealias validationCallbackSingle = (error:  ValidationRule?,   fieldName: String) -> ()


chirrup.validate("Search field", value: sender.text!,
      with: [ValidationRule(.NonEmpty),
             ValidationRule(.Contains(value: "UberCar"))]) { errors, field in
        let errorMessages = self.chirrup.formatMessagesFor(field, from: errors)
        // errorMessages == "Search field should not be empty\nSearch field should contain `UberCar`"
        self.errorLabelSearchField.text = errorMessages

or instead of closure callback one can use errors returned by validate method

let errors = chirrup.validate("Search field", value: sender.text!,
      with: [ValidationRule(.NonEmpty),
             ValidationRule(.Contains(value: "UberCar"))])
expect(chirrup.formatMessagesFor(fieldName, from: errors))
            .to(equal("Search field should not be empty\nSearch field should contain `UberCar`"))

or call validate with single validation rule(one can use callback closure here as well)

let error = chirrup.validate("Activator", value: false,
    with: ValidationRule(.IsTrue))

    .to(equal("Activator should be true"))

validate return value

errors and error returned above are validation rules themselves and could be initialized with several options and have following constructor

public init(_ type: ValidationRuleType,
    message: String? = nil, on: (() -> Bool)? = nil)


  • type is one of rules described above
  • message:String? is optional and represents full error message, e.g. "This field should include 'hey there!' "
  • on is optional too and you can pass some code which returns Bool. In case it returns true the validation rule is evaluated otherwise skipped
let val = ""
let error = chirrup.validate(fieldName, value: val,
              with: ValidationRule(.Lower(than: "10000.00"), on: { !val.isEmpty }))

Above validation is skipped.


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github "bilogub/Chirrup"