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Famfamfam Silk Icons addon for Vaadin

Famfamfam Silk Icons addon for Vaadin provides you with the ability to use your Vaadin UI components with the image icons by Mark James, e.g. like this:

fam3 silk icons usage

Famfamfam Silk free icons set contains 1000 image icons, you may see them in the preview.

Using icon for Vaadin UI components

Just set the icon to any standard Vaadin UI component using its setIcon() method.

You can use the class Fam3SilkIcon with enumerated all the icons from the set, example of usage:

Button button = new Button();

Alternatively you may use class Fam3SilkIcons to get the icon by its filename (comparing to above, this approach does not load all the icons from the set into memory). Example of usage by specifying filename:

ExternalResource icon = Fam3SilkIcons.get("accept.png");
Button button = new Button();

Download release

Add following Maven dependency into your pom.xml:


Official releases of this add-on are available at Vaadin Directory. For Maven instructions, download and reviews, go to

Building and running demo

git clone
mvn clean install
cd demo
mvn jetty:run

To see the demo, navigate to http://localhost:8080/

Alternatively you may deploy the demo war into your application server.

Online demo

You can see the online demo on Heroku.

Famfamfam Silk Icons collection

The Famfamfam Silk Icons are created by Mark James. The icons version currently included is 1.3.

Note on icons license: The Famfamfam Silk Icons by Mark James are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. You are free to use the icons. Please do not forget to provide attribution in your work (see famfamfam website for further details).
