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seedproject - projectsetup with gradle

Project setup

  1. Checkout the seedproject as your preferred name:
$> git clone **<yourProjectName>**

  1. Change the remote origin of your project to your preferred repository
$> git remote rm origin
$> git remote add origin **<yourProjectRepository>**

  1. Edit the file gradle/config/build.groovy and configure your project. At the very least, configure your project repository:
scm {
	type = 'git' // 'git' or 'svn' supported
	url = **'<yourProjectRepository>'**
	tagBase = **'<yourProjectRepository>/tags'**

  1. Change the groupname of your company in the build file (build.gradle):
// ############################################################################
// Group Definition
// ############################################################################
group = '<your group name goes here>' # i.e. ch.essentialmustard

  1. (Optional) Configure the needed subprojects in settings.gradle. The seedproject supports 'app:web' and 'app:core' for now.
include "app:web", "app:core"

  1. Generate your project structure. This job generates the Project and all subprojects. Copies templates from a remote repository and sets up the basic structure of your project with all gradle build files.
$> gradle initProject

Scaffolding GWT App

Scaffold your basic app:

$> gradle scaffold

This scaffolds a basic GWT App based on GWTP Framework (

Build CI Jobs (Jenkins)

  1. Provide your jenkins configuration in gradle/config/build.groovy:
jenkins {

	// URL of jenkins 
	url = "<jenkins url>" 

	username = "" // (optional). username can be provided by -DjenkinsUser=<username> for jenkins jobs
	password = "" // (optional). password can be provided by -DjenkinsPassword=<password> for jenkins jobs

	// project-based security: User or group that has access to the project. 
	authorization {
		permission = "<jenkins permission>" // Optional

	// credentials ID for scm access. the credentials ID must be accessed from the jenkins configuration file.
	scm {
		credentialsId = '<credentialId from jenkins configuration file>' // TODO

	// Environment definition (or android flavors) for 'Build multi-configuration project'-Job (distribution job)
	axes = [ 'integration', 'test', 'prod' ]

	// comma-separated list of email addresses to be notified on failed builds
	notifications = '' 

  1. Provide your sonar configuration in gradle/config/build.groovy:
sonar {
	host {
		url = "<sonar url>" // URL where sonar can be reached
	jdbc {
		// JDBC Configuration for the sonar server. These configurations can be found in your 
		// file in your sonar intallation.
		url = "<jdbc url of sonar configuration>" // jdbc url of sonar
		driverClassName = "<driverClass>" // jdbc driver class
		username = "<sonarUser>" // db username for sonar
		password = "<sonarPassword>" // db password for sonar

	projectName = "<sonarProjectName>" // human readable project name in sonar
	projectKey = "<sonarProjectKey>" // project key in sonar
	exclusions = "" // (Optional) regex pattern for file exclusions
	jacoco {	
		excludes = ""; // (Optional). regex patterns for jacoco exclusions

  1. Configure your artifact repository in gradle/config/build.groovy (used to upload your project artifacts):

artifactRepository {
	url = "<artifactoryURL>" // The context URL of your artifactory
	username = "<artifactoryUser>" // Credentials to upload artifacts
	password = "<artifactoryPassword>" // ''
	name = "<artifactoryName>" // name of your artifact repository
	publicRepo = "<artifactoryPublicRepo>" // public repo name of the artifact repository

  1. (Optional) If you have different environments, then add the configuration for each environment in gradle/config/build.groovy:
environments {



  1. Generate Jenkins Jobs:

Note: Depending on whether you configured your jenkins credentials globally in the gradle/config/build.groovy file or not, the jenkinsuser and jenkinspassword parameters may be omitted.

$> gradle updateJenkinsItems -DjenkinsUser=<jenkinsUser> -DjenkinsPassword=<jenkinsPassword>

Go see your jenkins :-). And happy coding. The rest is on you!


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