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A Regression Exercise covering OLS & Ridge Regression

Rationale for the methodology used

  • Loaded the data into a dataframe df

  • The dataset has 155 rows and 20 columns

  • The target column Response Variable is continuous in nature, thus it is a Regression task and not a Classification

  • The data has no missing values.

  • I drop the date column since it has 155 unique values thus it carries no predictive power.

  • I split my data into X & Y where X contain the features and Y contains my target variable " Response Variable"

  • After splitting my data into X & Y, I split my data into train and test datasets with 70% of data being used for training and 30% data being used for testing.

  • Now, I start by analysing the target variable distribution.

    • The target variable is positively skewed with a mean value close to 891, so we will have to apply transformation to convert it to near normal distribution.
    • I apply log10 transformation thrice to make the overall distribution near normal with a skew value of 0.25.
  • Next up, I try to analyse the relationship of features with response variables using Seaborn's jointplot and this is what I observe

    • Feature 1 & 2 have a slightly significant negative relationship with the response variable.
    • Feature 4 has no relationship with the response variable.
    • Feature 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 17 have a highly significant positive relationship with the response variable.
    • Feature 14 & 18 have a highly significant negative relationship with the response variable.
    • Feature 15 & 16 have a slightly significant positive relationship with the response variable.
  • Next up, I plot a heatmap of features to find out their correlation strength with the target features and also try to infer if there is any multicollinearity in the data.

    • The features - Feature 9, 11, 10, 17, 13, 12 & 6 are heavily correlated with the target variable.
    • Feature 9, 11 & 10 exhibit multicollinearity.
    • Feature 12 & 6 are also heavily correlated with each other.
    • There are many such combinations that you fill find of collinearity.
  • I now use Variance inflation factor (VIF) for each feature to find out if the feature can be described using other features and a general rule of thumb commonly used in practice is if a VIF is > 5, you have high multicollinearity. So, I eliminate features with very high VIF score and I'm left with features 1, 4, 5, 13 and 15.

  • I again plot a heatmap to see if there is no multicollinearity in the data and I find heavy correlation between Feature 13 and Feature 5.

  • Since Feature 13 is more significantly correlated with Response Variable, I drop Feature 5 from the training dataset.

  • I use the OLS function from the statsmodel package.

    • We start the exercise by using the statsmodel based OLS model to fit X & Y because of the results provided by the model that explain the significance of each predictor variable.
    • The F-test of overall significance indicates whether your linear regression model provides a better fit to the data than a model that contains no independent variables. So, in our case based on the p-value of F-test or Prob (F-statistic) we conclude that the model is a good fit model.
    • R-squared value of 0.69 signifies it a descent fit model.
    • The P>|t| or the p-value of the feature signifies how significant a feature is.
    • In Linear Regression, the Null Hypothesis for a feature & target variable is that there is no relationship between target & the feature.
    • Alternate Hypothesis states that there is no relationship between target and feature.
    • A p-value of less than 0.05 signifies that the features Feature 1, 4, 13 are significant predictors and are related with the target variable.
    • However, Feature 15 has a p-value of 0.064 which makes it insignificant for the given target variable.
    • On testing dataset, the RMSE value comes to be really small i.e. 0.000244 which is a characteristic of a good model.
    • The r-squared score during testing comes out to be 0.635 which is decently good given its a simple model that we created without regularization using the limited training dataset that we had.
    • Also, I utilize the residuals of the model to validate the regression assumptions and quality of the OLS model created.
      • By plotting a scatter plot between residuals and the predicted value, the plot seems to be reasonably random.
      • By visualizing the probability plot, There is a good fit of observed and expected thus indicating that normality is a reasonable approximation.
  • I also use Ridge Regression to create a model.

    • Ridge regression is a technique to reduce model complexity & prevent over-fitting which may result from simple linear regression.
    • I first find out the best value of alpha (penalty term) using GridSearch & cross validation by using neg_mean_squared_error as the scoring criterion.
    • Based on the data and scoring criteria, the best value of alpha comes out to be 20.
    • I fit the data on the best estimator from GridSearch.
    • On testing dataset, the RMSE value is similar to the OLS model.
    • The R-squared score during testing comes out to be a bit better as compared to the OLS model.

Do you modify/transform or remove from the feature list. If so why?

  • Yes, I have removed a lot of columns due to a high value of Multicollinearity exhibited by them. Here are some values and the columns dropped
    • Dropping 'Feature 11' with VIF value : 3942.998747788726
    • Dropping 'Feature 6' with VIF value : 1091.6086219503093
    • Dropping 'Feature 16' with VIF value : 974.4334324017261
    • Dropping 'Feature 12' with VIF value : 300.6222736376661
    • Dropping 'Feature 10' with VIF value : 202.678484487964
    • Dropping 'Feature 7' with VIF value : 141.40042641429838
    • Dropping 'Feature 9' with VIF value : 106.76674138525257
    • Dropping 'Feature 3' with VIF value : 86.02264209663117
    • Dropping 'Feature 8' with VIF value : 67.31897419929773
    • Dropping 'Feature 14' with VIF value : 58.7676190989684
    • Dropping 'Feature 17' with VIF value : 13.797398636780125
    • Dropping 'Feature 18' with VIF value : 8.976374644362185
    • Dropping 'Feature 2' with VIF value : 5.840934708316343

How did you evaluate the model for the accuracy?

  • Since, the target variable is continuous in nature, the given problem is a regression problem and not a classification problem.
  • The metrics used in case of Linear Regression is Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) which is the standard deviation of the residuals (prediction errors). Residuals are a measure of how far from the regression line data points are; A RMSE score closer to 0 means the model is well fit.

Any other insights you have gained during the building of this model.

  • A lot of features were heavily correlated with the target variable.
  • However, those features were correlated with other features as well.
  • There was a lot of multicollinearity in the dataset which if weren't tackled would have given unreliable weights for the features.