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These python scripts can be used to retrieve the numerical results of the paper entitled

Numerical treatment of the nonconservative product in a multiscale fluid model for plasmas in thermal nonequilibrium: application to solar physics

authors: Q. Wargnier, S. Faure, B. Graille, T. Magin, M. Massot

How use it

  • clone the repository or download it
  • python
  • choose a test case corresponding to a json file

The json files are used to store the parameters of the simulation with the following conventions

  "version":"1.0",                   ### version of the document
  "prefix":"results/",               ### where the results have to be stored
  "Lx":     10.0,                    ### length of the domain in space
  "N":      2000,                    ### number of points in space
  "t0":     0.0,                     ### initial time
  "tf":     1.0,                     ### final time
  "peraff": 0.1,                     ### time laps between plots
  "gamma":  1.6666666666666667,      ### value of the adiabatic coef. gamma = 5/3
  "diffD":  0.1,                     ### value of the e- diff. coefficient
  "diffL":  0.001,                   ### value of the e- thermal conductivity
  "onde":   3,                       ### type of the wave
  "rhoeL":  "None",                  ### value of the e- mass (left)
  "rhohL":  "None",                  ### value of the heavy particle mass (left)
  "peL":    "None",                  ### value of the e- pressure (left)
  "pL":     1.5,                     ### value of the total pressure (left)
  "vhL":    "None",                  ### value of the hydrodynamic velocity (left)
  "rhoeR":  0.01,                    ### value of the e- mass (right)
  "rhohR":  1.0,                     ### value of the heavy particle mass (right)
  "peR":    0.1,                     ### value of the e- pressure (right)
  "pR":     1.0,                     ### value of the total pressure (right)
  "vhR":    0.2,                     ### value of the hydrodyn. velocity (right)
  "splitting":     "True",           ### use operator splitting
  "diff_substeps": "True",           ### substeps for diff. part (splitting only)
  "scheme_conv":   "LF",             ### convec. (LF: Lax-Friedrichs, UW: Upwind)
  "scheme_nc":     "df",             ### diff. (df: centered FD, MW: our scheme)
  "CFL":    0.1,                     ### link between time and space step 
  "liste_plot": ["rhoe", "pe", "Te"] ### list of the outputs


Solver for the two equations non conservative subsystem (application to solar physics)







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