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Bruno Fernandes edited this page Aug 4, 2018 · 5 revisions

FIFO complement of lists. Support two key operations:

  • Enqueue - Place an item onto the end of the queue
  • Dequeue - Remove an item from the front of the queue

n.b. Push and Pop are aliases for these operations.

Implementation Performance Std. lib equivalent
Queue Constant time operations None
CircularBuffer Constant time operations None
ResizingBuffer Constant amortised time operations Queue

The elements of a Queue are represented as a chain of node references, with the Queue itself containing references to its head and tail. Its list implementation analogue is the LinkedList.

CircularBuffer also has references to a head and tail, but its contents are held within a fixed-size array that can 'wrap over itself.' ResizingBuffer is like a CircularBuffer that can resize itself to prevent overflow.

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