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Optimizing an ML Pipeline in Azure


This project is part of the Udacity Azure ML Nanodegree. In this project, I had the opportunity to build and train an Azure ML pipeline using the Azure Python SDK and a provided Scikit-learn Logistic Regression model. Hyperparameters were optimised using Azure Hyperdrive.
To compare the results with another method, an Azure AutoML run was built and optimised on the same dataset. The following figure displays the main steps that were being taken:

  • Step 1: I started by importing the bank marketing dataset from a specified URL into a Dataframe using the TabularDatasetFactory.
  • Step 2: Next, in the train script, I built a logistic regression model using Scikit-learn.
  • Step 3: After that, I created a Jupyter notebook and used HypeDrive to find the best hyperparameters for the logistic regression model.
  • Step 4: Furthermore, I loaded the same dataset in the Notebook with TabularDatasetFactory and used AutoML to find another optimized model out of the given set of different models (see Azure AutoML).
  • Step 5. Finally, I compared and documented the results of the two methods in this Readme file.


The dataset contains information about possible bank customers based on direkt marketing campaigns (phone calls). The goal of this classification task is to predict whether the customer will subscribe to a term deposit or not. We explore and compare two different approaches: one model using a hpyerparameter-optimized logistic regression model and another model that was built using AutoML.

The best performing model was found to be a HyperDrive optimized logistic regression model with 95.0% accuracy and the id HD_666d2c70-9aa9-4461-b7cb-d6b43adb83ee_3. The best result using AutoML was a Voting Ensemble algorithms with an accuracy of 91.6% (id AutoML_62082872-6598-496f-936a-4e6dcb1ea86a_24).

Scikit-learn Pipeline

Explain the pipeline architecture, including data, hyperparameter tuning, and classification algorithm. The following part is a brief description of the hyperparameter tuning process for the custom-coded model. The necessary steps are: ###1. Define the parameter search space:

Parameter sampler Tune hyperparameters by exploring the range of values defined for each hyperparameter. I specified the parameter sampler as such:

ps = RandomParameterSampling(
        '--C' : choice(0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000),
        '--max_iter': choice(100,200,300)

I chose discrete values with choice for both parameters, C and max_iter.

C is the Regularization while max_iter is the maximum number of iterations.

Parameter Sampling Azure Machine Learning supports the following methods:

  • Random sampling
  • Grid sampling
  • Bayesian sampling

I chose RandomParameterSampling because it is the fastest option and supports early termination of low-performance runs. In random sampling, hyperparameter values are randomly selected from the defined search space.

Further options are Grid sampling (Performs a simple grid search over all possible values) or Bayesian sampling (based on the Bayesian optimization algorithm, picks samples based on how previous samples performed, so that new samples improve the primary metric) Both require enough budget to explore the hyperparameter space. ###2. Specify a primary metric to optimize Each training run is evaluated for the primary metric. The early termination policy uses the primary metric to identify low-performance runs.

The following attributes are needed for a primary metric:

  • primary_metric_name: The name of the primary metric needs to exactly match the name of the metric logged by the training script
  • primary_metric_goal: It can be either PrimaryMetricGoal.MAXIMIZE or PrimaryMetricGoal.MINIMIZE and determines whether the primary metric will be maximized or minimized when evaluating the runs.

In this case, I used the combination to maximize "accuracy". ###3. Specify early termination policy for low-performing runs Automatically terminate poorly performing runs with an early termination policy. Early termination improves computational efficiency.Azure Machine Learning supports the following early termination policies:

  • Bandit policy
  • Median stopping policy
  • Truncation selection policy
  • No termination policy

I opted for the fastest version, the Bandit policy. Bandit policy is based on slack factor/slack amount and evaluation interval. Bandit terminates runs where the primary metric is not within the specified slack factor/slack amount compared to the best performing run. In other words, Azure ML should check the job every 2 iterations and if the primary metric falls outside the top 50% range, it should terminate the job (as seen in the following code snippet). policy = BanditPolicy(evaluation_interval=5, slack_factor=0.1)

###4. Allocate resources Control your resource budget by specifying the maximum number of training runs.

  • max_total_runs: Maximum number of training runs. Must be an integer between 1 and 1000.
  • max_duration_minutes: (optional) Maximum duration, in minutes, of the hyperparameter tuning experiment. Runs after this duration are canceled.
  • max_concurrent_runs: (optional) Maximum number of runs that can run concurrently. If not specified, all runs launch in parallel. If specified, must be an integer between 1 and 100. ###5. Launch an experiment with the defined configuration All the configuration files including the entry_point for the .py script are being provided as paramters to the HypeDriveConfig. The hyperdrive run is being submitted. ###6. Visualize the training runs Using a Juyper widget. ###7. Select the best configuration for your model Display the best model using the folliwing snippet: hd_best_run = hypdrive_run.get_best_run_by_primary_metric() best_run_metrics = hd_best_run.get_metrics() parameter_values = hd_best_run.get_details()


Automated machine learning, also referred to as automated ML or AutoML, is the process of automating the time consuming, iterative tasks of machine learning model development. The following describes the model and hyperparameters generated by AutoML. In contrast to the manual adjustments I made to the Linear Regression model, the configuration of the AutoML job is pretty straight forward. I defined the following AutoMLConfig:

automl_config = AutoMLConfig( compute_target = cpu_cluster, experiment_timeout_minutes=30, task="classification", primary_metric="accuracy", training_data=dataset, label_column_name='y', enable_onnx_compatible_models=True, n_cross_validations=2)

In there, the most important parameters are:

  • compute target: the compute target (cluster) for the AutoML job
  • task: The type of task to run. Values can be 'classification', 'regression', or 'forecasting' depending on the type of automated ML problem to solve. In this case a classification problem.
  • primary_metric: The metric that Automated Machine Learning will optimize for model selection. Automated Machine Learning collects more metrics than it can optimize. I used accuracy.
  • label_column_name: The name of the label column. If the input data is from a pandas.DataFrame which doesn't have column names, column indices can be used instead, expressed as integers.
  • enable_onnx_compatible_models: Whether to enable or disable enforcing the ONNX-compatible models. The default is False. For more information about Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) and Azure Machine Learning, see this article.
  • n_cross_validations: How many cross validations to perform when user validation data is not specified. As one cross-validation could result in overfit, in my code I chose 2 folds for cross-validation; thus the metrics are calculated with the average of the 2 validation metrics.

Azure AutoML then tries different models and algorithms during the automation and tuning process. As a user, there is no need to specify the algorithm. The three different task parameter values determine the list of algorithms, or models, to apply (namely classification, regression or forecasting). For classification, this includes the following: Logistic Regression, Light GBM, Gradient Boosting, Decision Tree, K Nearest Neighbors, Linear SVC, Support Vector Classification (SVC), Random Forest, Extremely Randomized Trees, Xgboost, Averaged Perceptron Classifier, Naive Bayes and Linear SVM Classifier. That is pretty impressive given that I do no need to specify or configure any of those! See Configure automated ML experiments in Python for reference.

Pipeline comparison

As stated in the summary, the custom-coded solution based on Scikit-learn resulted in a better solution. However, the effort and invested time was way more in comparison to the AutoML job, since the latter does turn all the necessary knobs for me. Both models had the goal of maximizing the accuracy. The exact results are:

  • (Two-class) Logistic regression: accuracy: 0.95
  • VotingEnsemble: accuracy: 0.9159939301972686 and a weighted_accuracy: 0.9560585260948012

Architecturally, the two models are quite different. The two-class logistic regression predicts the probability of occurrence of an event by fitting data to a logistic functionm, thus performing a binary classification. The voting ensemble, as the name implies, carries out a number of individual classifiers and combines the predictions from those to make a prediction.

Hint: weighted accuracy weighs each class according to the number of samples that belong to that class in the dataset.

Future work

  • HyperDrive: the hyperparamter optimization can be done in a more exhaustive (and possibly rewarding) way in a sense that a different Sampling method could be used.
  • AutoML: with AutoML, we can increase the number of iteration allowing us to go through more classification models supported by AutoML.
  • Input dataset: the dataset in hand is very unbalanced, resulting in a negative impact on the model's accuracy. It is easy for the model to be very accurate just by predicting the majority class, while the accuracy for the minority class can fail miserably. This means that taking into account a simple metric like accuracy in order to judge how good our model is can be misleading. Techniques on how to deal with an inbalanced dataset are: undersampling (select only some samples from the majority class), oversampling (replicate data from the minority class), generate synthetic dataset (e.g. using SMOTE or K-nearest-neighbour)
  • Primary metric: to combat the previously mentioned case of highly inbalanced data, another primary metric could be used like "recall". Recall is being used when the False Negatived are important.

Proof of cluster clean up


The basis for this work can be found under the following link:

I furthermore used the official Microsoft Azure documentation, namely: