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Adrian Sampson edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 42 revisions

This is a to-do list for every new release. Many steps can be automated with the extras/ script.


  1. Fix/close any bugs labeled blocker


  1. Run all the tests: tox -p all
  2. Check manually that looks up to date (dependencies, version number, packages, etc).
  3. Add a human-readable summary paragraph to the top of the changelog. Clean up any changelog typos.
  4. Datestamp the changelog: datestamp
  5. Commit the finalized changelog: git commit -a


  1. Run prep. This will:
    • Tag the revision: git tag v1.X.Y
    • Build the source distribution: python sdist
    • Generate the changelog as a Markdown doc for upload as a GitHub release in a file called
    • Bump the version number in, __version__ in, docs/, and docs/changelog.rst.
  2. Look around to make sure everything looks good. Then, commit the new bumped version: git commit -a
  3. Run publish. This will:
    • Push to GitHub: git push ; git push --tags
    • Upload the release: twine upload ...
  4. Run GITHUB_TOKEN=... ghrelease to create a GitHub release with the generated Markdown changelog. This requires the github-release command-line tool and an access token.

This is also a good time to tag and release the other libraries in the beets ecosystem if they've seen any updates. Specifically, this includes pyacoustid, audioread, Confuse, and MediaFile.


  1. Announce on Twitter (@b33ts).
  2. Announce on Discourse.
  3. Email mailing list.

The distro packages have their own maintainers. Non-exhaustive list: