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Make queries fast, filter all flexible attributes #3195

Make queries fast, filter all flexible attributes

Make queries fast, filter all flexible attributes #3195

Triggered via pull request May 10, 2024 08:58
Status Failure
Total duration 4m 8s


on: pull_request
Matrix: test
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24 errors and 10 warnings
lint: beets/dbcore/
F401 'pathlib.Path' imported but unused
lint: beets/dbcore/
N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
lint: beets/dbcore/
N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
lint: beets/dbcore/
N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
lint: beets/dbcore/
E501 line too long (102 > 88 characters)
lint: beets/dbcore/
N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
lint: beets/dbcore/
E501 line too long (94 > 88 characters)
lint: beets/dbcore/
E501 line too long (107 > 88 characters)
lint: beets/
N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
lint: beets/
N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
Process completed with exit code 2.
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.x)
Process completed with exit code 1.
test (windows-latest, 3.x)
Process completed with exit code 1.
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.9)
Process completed with exit code 1.
test (windows-latest, 3.7)
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_3_9" failed.
test (windows-latest, 3.7)
The operation was canceled.
test (windows-latest, 3.8)
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_3_9" failed.
test (windows-latest, 3.8)
The operation was canceled.
test (windows-latest, 3.9)
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_3_9" failed.
test (windows-latest, 3.9)
The operation was canceled.
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.8)
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_3_9" failed.
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.8)
The operation was canceled.
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.7)
The job was canceled because "ubuntu-latest_3_9" failed.
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.7)
The operation was canceled.
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more information see:
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more info:
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more information see:
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more info:
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.x)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more information see:
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more info:
test (windows-latest, 3.x)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more information see:
test (windows-latest, 3.x)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more info:
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.9)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more information see:
test (ubuntu-latest, 3.9)
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/setup-python@v2. For more info: