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v2.6.0 | cafeBot - Revamped Music System, Updated Ping Command, Bug Fixes

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@beanbeanjuice beanbeanjuice released this 04 Jun 17:24
· 696 commits to master since this release


  • The ping command was updated. It now has more bot information.
  • THE MUSIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN REVAMPED! A complete overhaul of the music system was done. Now, when adding a huge Spotify playlist, it no longer adds asynchronously. This means that it will, from now on, add the Spotify playlist all at once as opposed to one at a time slowly. Additionally, you can now see who requested what song with the now-playing command.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where if you kicked the bot and re-added it, the twitch channels wouldn't be added, but the MySQL database would still have the twitch channels. Now when you kick the bot, you have to re-add the twitch channels.