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Merge pull request #523 from beanbeanjuice/integration
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Ready for Integration v3.1.1
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beanbeanjuice committed Sep 4, 2022
2 parents da16883 + a3d9784 commit dd02da6
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Showing 11 changed files with 269 additions and 160 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/FUNDING.yml
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
# liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
# issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
# otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
custom: ['']
custom: ['']
204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
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<h1 align="center">cafeBot</h1>

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A cafe bot for your discord server!
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<a href=""><strong>Explore the Docs »</strong></a>
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<a href="">View Demo</a>
<a href="">Report Bug</a>
<a href="">Request Feature</a>
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<details open="open">
<summary><h2 style="display: inline-block">Table of Contents</h2></summary>
<a href="#about-the-project">About The Project</a>
<li><a href="#built-with">Built With</a></li>
<a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a>
<li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li>
<li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
<li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
<li><a href="#roadmap">Roadmap</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li>
<li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
<li><a href="#data">What data does this bot store?</a></li>
<li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li>

# About The Project

[![Product Name Screen Shot][product-title]](

### About the Bot
`cafeBot`, formerly `beanBot` is a general purpose bot that has many features. Many features work across Discord servers. Some features include;
* Global Birthday Checker
* Global Currency
* Global Counting Leaderboard (Only Tells You What Place Number You Are In)
* Interaction Commands
* Moderation Commands
* Poll/Raffle Commands
* Bind Roles to Voice Channels
* AI Responses to Certain Words/Phrases
* And more to come...

# Usage

#### **The Help Command**
* `/help` - Shows a list of command section.
* `/help (command section name)` - Shows a list of commands in that section.
* `/help (command name/alias)` - Shows how to use the command.
* `/get-prefix` - Gets the current prefix for the server if you forget it!

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As you can see, this was shown using the command `/help order`. It shows each parameter you can run. For example, the first `<NUMBER>` is the `CATEGORY NUMBER` for the menu, needs to be a number, and is required. The `help` command also provides an example on how to actually use the command if you are stuck!

#### **Command Section**
*There are many command sections, with more coming soon. To show the commands in a specific section, do `!!help (command section)` or for example, `!!help moderation`!* Doing `!!help (command)` will also show you an example of how to use the command.

##### 1. **GENERIC**
* `bot-donate` - Donate for the bot!
* `bot-invite` - A command to get an invite link for the bot!
* `bot-upvote` - Upvote the bot!
* `bot-version` - Gets a specific/the latest release notes for the bot!
* `bug-report` - Report a bug with the bot.
* `define` - Define a word!
* `feature-request` - Request a bot feature.
* `generate-code` - Generate a random 32-digit long code!
* `help` - Shows the list of command sections and command list for those sections.
* `info` - Show information about the bot!
* `ping` - Show technical information about the bot!
* `remove-my-data` - Request to remove your data from the bot!
* `stats` - Show statistics such as commands run, current servers, and users!
* `support` - Get support for the bot!
* `user-info` - Get user information about someone.
##### 2. **CAFE**
* `balance` - Check your balance!
* `donate-beancoins` - Donate some of your `beanCoins` to someone! (Only up to 25 every hour though!)
* `menu` - Show the list of Cafe menu items.
* `order` - Order a menu item for someone!
* `serve` - Get beanCoins! Essentially you run this command by doing `/serve (dictionary word)`! This must be an english word. The longer the word, the more money you get. However, the more popular the word is, the less money you will get for it.
##### 3. **FUN**
* `avatar` - Get yours or someone else's avatar image!
* `banner` - Get yours or someone else's profile banner!
* `birthday` - Add, change, or remove your birthday! Even get someone else's birthday!
* `coffee-meme` - Get a coffee meme!
* `counting-statistics` - Get counting information for your server!
* `joke` - Send a joke in the current channel. (SFW)
* `meme` - Send a meme in the current channel. (SFW)
* `rate` - Rate the percentages of someone! (*somewhat* NSFW)
* `snipe` - Snipe a recently deleted message! (30 Seconds)
* `tea-meme` - Get a tea meme!
##### 4. **GAMES**
* `8-ball` - Ask a yes or no question!
* `coin-flip` - Flip a coin!
* `connect-4` - Play connect four with someone!
* `dice-roll` - Roll a dice!
* `get-game-data` - See your win streaks for the mini-games that support it!
* `tic-tac-toe` - Play tic tac toe with someone!
##### 5. **SOCIAL**
* `member-count` - Get the member count for your server!
* `vent` - Anonymously vent to the server! ~~If the server has anonymous venting enabled...~~
##### 6. **INTERACTION**
* `bite` - Bite someone!
* `blush` - Blush at someone!
* `bonk` - Bonk someone! Send them to `h o r n i` jail.
* `cry` - Cry at someone!
* `cuddle` - Cuddle someone!
* `dab` - Dab at someone!
* `dance` - Dance with someone!
* `die` - Just straight up die.
* `headpat` - Give head pats to someone!
* `hmph` - Hmph at someone!
* `hug` - Hug someone!
* `kiss` - Kiss someone!
* `lick` - Lick... someone... ummm why?
* `nom` - Nom at someone!
* `poke` - Poke someone!
* `pout` - Pout at someone!
* `punch` - Punch someone!
* `rage` - Rage at someone!
* `shush` - Shush someone if they're being too loud!
* `slap` - Slap someone!
* `sleep` - Sleep! (Or sleep with someone...)
* `smile` - Smile at someone!
* `stab` - Stab someone! :O
* `stare` - Stare at someone!
* `throw` - Throw someone!
* `tickle` - Tickle someone!
* `welcome` - Welcome someone... for something!
* `yell` - Yell at someone!
##### 7. **TWITCH**
* `twitch-channel` - Add or remove a twitch channel to receive notifications for!
##### 8. **MODERATION**
* `add-poll` - Create a poll! Currently, you can only have 3 polls due to server costs. This will go up in the future!
* `add-raffle` - Create a raffle! Currently, you can only have 3 raffles due to server costs. This will go up in the future!
* `bind` - Bind a role to a voice channel! This gives the user a role when they enter a voice channel, and removes it when they leave.
* `clear-chat` - Clear the chat. (Only currently works from 2-99 messages).
* `create-embed` - Send a customised `embedded message` in a specified channel!
##### 9. **SETTINGS**
* `birthday-channel` - Set or remove the birthday channel for the server!
* `ai` - Sets the `AI Status` for the server. This can `enable` or `disable` the AI module. This is `disable` by default.
* `bot-update` - `enable` or `disable` bot notifications. This is `enabled` by default.
* `counting-channel` - Set or remove the counting channel. Users in this channel can count. You can also apply a custom role when a user sucks at counting!
* `daily-channel` - Set or remove the daily channel. This channel resets daily!
* `list-custom-channels` - Lists all of the custom channels in the server.
* `log-channel` - Set or remove the log channel. If enabled, some logs will be sent to this channel.
* `poll-channel` - Set or remove the poll channel. If enabled, created polls will be sent to this channel.
* `raffle-channel` - Set or remove the raffle channel. If enabled, created raffles will be sent to this channel.
* `twitch-notifications` - Set or remove the twitch notifications channel. If enabled, you will receive notifications for specified channels that you have added.
* `venting-channel` - Set or remove the venting channel. If enabled, this will allow users to anonymously vent.
* `welcome-channel` - Set or remove the welcome channel. If enabled, it will welcome users with a cute message when they join the server.
##### 10. **EXPERIMENTAL**
* `Nothing here yet!`

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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion
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<img src="" alt="Logo" width="260" height="186">

<h1 align="center">cafeBot</h1>
Expand All @@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
<img src="">
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<img src=" me a coffee&emoji=&slug=beanbeanjuice&button_colour=BD5FFF&font_colour=ffffff&font_family=Cookie&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=FFDD00"/>

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/java/com/beanbeanjuice/
Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public Bot() throws LoginException, InterruptedException {
logger.log(Bot.class, LogLevel.OKAY, "The bot is online!");

new GitHubUpdateHelper().start(); // Notify Guilds of Update

public static void main(String[] args) throws LoginException, InterruptedException {
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ public class ServeCommand implements ICommand {
public void handle(@NotNull SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
String word = event.getOption("word").getAsString();

if (word.contains(" ")) {
"Multiple Words Detected",
"Please only use singular words when running this command!"

Word serveWord;
try {
// Checking if the word entered is a word.
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import java.util.ArrayList;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,20 +68,6 @@ public void handle(@NotNull SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {

* Gets the {@link BirthdayMonth} from a {@link String}.
* @param month The {@link String} to parse.
* @return The parsed {@link BirthdayMonth}. Null, if there is an error.
private BirthdayMonth getBirthdayMonth(@NotNull String month) {
for (BirthdayMonth birthdayMonth : BirthdayMonth.values()) {
if (birthdayMonth.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(month))
return birthdayMonth;
return null;

public String getDescription() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +100,7 @@ public ArrayList<OptionData> getOptions() {
options.add(new OptionData(OptionType.INTEGER, "day", "The day you were born in the specified month!", true)
.setRequiredRange(1, 31));

OptionData timeZoneOptions = new OptionData(OptionType.STRING, "timezone", "The timezone you are in! Start typing to see available options!", true, true);
OptionData timeZoneOptions = new OptionData(OptionType.STRING, "timezone", "Start typing to see available options!", true, true);

return options;
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