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Beame oidc provider for mapping windows active directory groups to beame groups

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Beame oidc provider for mapping windows active directory groups to beame groups

WARNING: This provider will only work in Windows because of the node-sspi dependency

Active directory

This provider integrates to active directory by using SSPI. It makes the project only run on windows, but it also allows an SSO experience in a windows enterprise network. This is archieved by the usage of the module node-sspi (

OpenId Connect

The openid provider is accomplished by the usage of the module oidc-provider (


Discovery is connected by default and available under the /.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint. To disable it, change in the configuration.js the setting features: { discovery: true, to false.

Scope / Claims

This provider currently accepts both scope request over the scope url parameter of groups and profile (e.g: &scope=openid+groups+profile), or claims spefication over the claims url parameter.

In the claims url parameter case, this can be archieved by providing a UTF-8 encoded JSON in the url parameter, in compliance to the openid connect specification ( - section 5.5).

So, requesting a claim of:

     "groups": {"essential": true},
     "name": {"essential": true}

translates to setting the claims url parameter to &claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22groups%22%3A%20%7B%22essential%22%3A%20true%7D%2C%22name%22%3A%20%7B%22essential%22%3A%20true%7D%7D%7D


The configuration.js file contains the base configuration. Some of this configurations can be overriten by environment variables (see Environment section), while other still requires manual change of this file.


  • DEBUG="beame:oidc-ad-provider:*" - enables debug log
  • BEAME_CERT_FQDN - certificate fqdn to use for signing the jwt and running the https server (mandatory)
  • BEAME_PROVIDER_USE_HTTPS - when set to 1 enables https instead of http. The cert used will be the BEAME_CERT_FQDN
  • BEAME_PROVIDER_ADDRESS - address to use to run the node server (default is 'https://$BEAME_CERT_FQDN')
  • BEAME_PROVIDER_PORT - port to use to run the node server (default 50000)


OpenID Connect clients are defined in the configuration.js under module.exports.clients = . Currently there is no interface to add or remove clients from the outside since the current usage scope is restricted

client_id, client_secret and redirect_uris should be redefined and configured in the oidc client to match

AD Groups map

Active directory groups map to beame groups is defined in the configuration.js under module.exports.adGroupsMap =. Each AD group can match to one or more beame groups. AD groups shouldn't be configured in duplicate. When a user reaches the provider, all his AD groups will be mapped to the right beame groups. The final list shipped with the JWT token will be flatten and duplicates will be removed.


Beame oidc provider for mapping windows active directory groups to beame groups







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