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Bambang Susanto edited this page Nov 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the planatrium wiki!

Planatrium is a personal project intended for learning web development. This is my first web-building experience, so the code does not follow the standardized rule for clean-coding (please forgive me). This is an open-source project, everybody who wishes to contribute are highly appreciated.

Planatrium is a site where designers meet their clients. Every thought ranging from ideas to physical object is valuable to its mind. Here, you can deposit your thought and even showcase it. People who browse your catalog might be interested in your work and can use your help to build their dream design. Potential clients can also request for a specific building. A designer will then respond to the request and the potential client will be notified.

This project is built using PHP framework Laravel 5.1 and bootstrap for its front-end. It contains minimal javascript, so the look of the project is very basic.

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