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Add formatting customization docs
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poorna2152 committed Apr 5, 2024
1 parent f40397e commit 199432a
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Showing 3 changed files with 401 additions and 1 deletion.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions next.config.js
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Expand Up @@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ const nextConfig = {
source: `/${redirectBase}learn/package-references`,
destination: `/${redirectBase}learn/development-tutorials/source-code-dependencies/package-references`,
source: `/${redirectBase}learn/customizing-formatting`,
destination: `/${redirectBase}learn/development-tutorials/source-code-dependencies/customizing-formatting`,
source: `/${redirectBase}learn/cli-commands/`,
destination: `/${redirectBase}learn/development-tutorials/build-and-run/cli-commands/`,
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@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
title: Customization of formatting
description: The section on providing custom configurations to the formatter.
keywords: ballerina, programming language, formatting, custom configurations
permalink: /learn/customizing-formatting/
active: customizing-formatting
intro: This feature allows developers to customize the formatting of Ballerina projects. This is done with the use of a configuration file. This configuration file can be a local or a remote file, which allows for consistency in code style across projects and simplifies the process of enforcing formatting standards. This is introduced as an experimental feature in Ballerina 2201.9.0.

## Configuring

Users can provide custom formatting configurations with the use of a separate configuration file of the `toml` format. Users can provide an arbitrary name for the file.

The formatting configuration file can be specified in two ways:

* `Ballerina.toml`: Define the path to a configuration file within the Ballerina.toml itself. The path can be absolute, relative to the package root, or a URL (HTTP/HTTPS). This path is specified under the `format` section in `Ballerina.toml` with the use of the `configPath` attribute.

configPath = "Format.toml"

* Format.bal: If no configuration path is specified in Ballerina.toml, the formatter will look for a file named `Format.toml` in the current package root directory.
* If the `configPath` argument is not provided in the `Ballerina.toml` or the `Format.toml` file does not exist in the project root, default formatting options will be applied.
* If the format config path is an HTTP/HTTPS URL, a cache of the configuration file will be maintained inside the target directory. If the remote configuration file is modified, then make sure to delete the cached `Format.toml` file inside the `target/format/` directory.

## Formatting Options

### Indent

#### indentSize

* Specifies the number of spaces for each level of indentation.
* Value: Integer (e.g., 2, 4)
* Default: 4

function main() {
if (condition) {
io:println("Indented code");

#### continuationIndentSize

* Determines the indentation size for continuation lines.
* Value: Integer (e.g., 4, 8)
* Default: 8

function longFunctionName(int param1, int param2, int param3,
int param4, int param5) {

### Wrapping

#### maxLineLength

* Maximum line length before code is wrapped.
* Value: Integer (e.g., 80, 120)
* Default: No line wrapping if maxLineLength not specified.

#### simpleBlocksInOneLine

* Preserve single-line blocks in user code.
* Value: Boolean
* Default: false

if x == 1 { return true; }
while i < 5 { i += 1; }

#### simpleFunctionsInOneLine

* Preserve single-line methods on a single line.
* Value: Boolean
* Default: false

function getName() returns string { return; }

### Braces

#### classBraceStyle:

* Placement of the opening brace of the class definition.
* Values: NewLine, EndOfLine
* Default: EndOfLine
* NewLine
class MyClass
// class members

* EndOfLine
class MyClass {
// class members

#### functionBraceStyle

* Placement of the opening brace of the function definition.
* Values: NewLine, EndOfLine
* Default: EndOfLine
* NewLine
function foo()
// function members

* EndOfLine
function foo(){
// function members

### Function Definition

#### parametersWrap

* Formatting of the function parameters when the maxLineLength is exceeded.
* Values: Wrap, NoWrap, ChopDown
* Default: Wrap if maxLineLength specified, else NoWrap
* Wrap
function foo(int argumentNumberOne, int argumentTwo,
int argumentThree, int argumentFour) {

* NoWrap
function foo(int argumentOne, int argumentTwo, int argumentThree) {

* ChopDown
function foo(int argumentNumberOne,
int argumentTwo,
int argumentThree,
int argumentFour) {

#### alignMultilineParameters

* Align multiline parameters with the open brace.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

function foo(int argumentNumberOne, int argumentTwo,
int argumentThree, int argumentFour) {

#### newLineAfterLeftParen

* Newline after the left parenthesis of the function declaration.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

function foo(
int argumentNumberOne, int argumentTwo, int argumentThree,
int argumentFour) {

#### rightParenOnNewLine

* Right parenthesis of the function declaration on a newline.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

function foo(int argumentNumberOne, int argumentTwo,
int argumentThree, int argumentFour
) {

### Function Call

#### argumentsWrap

* Values: Wrap, NoWrap, ChopDown
* Default: Wrap if maxLineLength specified, else NoWrap
* Wrap
myMethod(param1, param2, param3, param4,
param5, param6);

* NoWrap
myMethod(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6);

* ChopDown

#### alignMultilineArguments

* Align multiline arguments with the open brace.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

myMethod(param1, param2, param3, param4
param5, param6);

#### newLineAfterLeftParen

* Newline after the left parenthesis of the function declaration.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6);

#### rightParenOnNewLine

* Right parenthesis of the function declaration on a newline.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

myMethod(param1, param2, param3,
param4, param5, param6

### If Statement

#### elseOnNewLine

* else and else if keyword on the newline which follows after the } of the previous if or else if statement.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

if (condition) {
// if block
else {
// else block

### Spacing

#### afterTypeCast

* Space after type casting.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: true

int x = <int> someValue;

#### aroundRecordBraces

* Space after the opening brace and before the closing brace of a mapping constructor.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: true

Student x = { name: “Alex”, age: 15 };

#### alignConsecutiveDefinitions

* Align equals on consecutive definitions.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

const A = "a";
const AB = "ab";
const ABC = "ab";

### Import

#### groupImport

* Group imports by,
* Imports from the same package.
* Imports from the ballerina/ and ballerinax/ organizations.
* Imports from third-party organizations.
* Values: Boolean
* defaultValue: true

#### sortImports

* Sort imports based on alphabetical order.
* Values: Boolean
* defaultValue: true

### Query

#### alignMultiLineQueries

* Align multiline queries with the equals on the first line.
* Values: Boolean
* Default: false

* Default behavior
int[] numsReversed = from int i in nums
order by i descending
select i;

* When `alignMultiLineQueries = true`
int[] numsReversed = from int i in nums
order by i descending
select i;

## Example Configuration

indentSize = 4
continuationIndentSize = 8

maxLineLength = 120
simpleBlocksInOneLine = true
simpleFunctionsInOneLine = true

classBraceStyle = "NewLine"
functionBraceStyle = "NewLine"

parametersWrap = "ChopDown"
alignMultilineParameters = true
newLineAfterLeftParen = false
rightParenOnNewLine = false

argumentsWrap = "Wrap"
alignMultilineArguments = false
newLineAfterLeftParen = false
rightParenOnNewLine = false

elseOnNewLine = false

afterTypeCast = true
aroundRecordBraces = true

groupImports = true
sortImports = true

alignMultiLineQueries = false

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