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Static Arrays (data sections), Memory resizing

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@ballercat ballercat released this 06 Oct 17:01
· 45 commits to master since this release

This release adds new syntax sugar for data sections, memory size/resize operations and bug fixes to the CLI tool.

New - Static Arrays/Data sections

WebAssembly Spec allows for the declaration of static regions of memory which can be pre-defined in the wasm source.

  (memory $m 1)
  (data (i32.const 0))
  (data (i32.const 1) "a" "" "bcd")
  (data (offset (i32.const 0)))
  (data (offset (i32.const 0)) "" "a" "bc" "")
  (data 0 (i32.const 0))
  (data 0x0 (i32.const 1) "a" "" "bcd")
  (data 0x000 (offset (i32.const 0)))
  (data 0 (offset (i32.const 0)) "" "a" "bc" "")
  (data $m (i32.const 0))
  (data $m (i32.const 1) "a" "" "bcd")
  (data $m (offset (i32.const 0)))
  (data $m (offset (i32.const 0)) "" "a" "bc" "")

This exact pattern was impossible to implement in Walt previous. Now the developer may define these sections with an array literal syntax at global scope inside a walt module.

const array: i32[] = ['<', 'a', 'b', 1, 2, 3];

Any combination of Walt Primitives is allowed in the array literal as long as they map to the type of the array, however expressions and function calls are not.

New - Memory instructions

WebAssembly spec supports memory resizing from within the binary with a set of memory resizing instructions. This is now supported by Walt syntax by the following methods on an Object of type Memory:

  • memory.size() - maps to current_memory opcode
  • memory.grow() - maps to grow_memory opcode, requires a parameter
  • memory.dataSize() - syntax sugar for getting size of the combined data section regions. Reads zeroth word of memory.

Bug fixes

  • walt-cli has a number of bug fixes to make it operate as designed
  • walt-compiler fixed a bug with escape sequences not working as expected inside character literals