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Javier Sánchez edited this page Dec 20, 2017 · 14 revisions

Roadmap TODO and Roadmap DONE


Basic tests for all the methods (PARTIALLY DONE)

This is mandatory to verify code correctness and ease within-versions and portability work (including Octave and Windows support).

  • Method level: parameter(s) + dataset + expected performance
  • Script level: scripts with CV parameter(s) + dataset + expected performance (TODO performance reference)

Portability (DONE)

Tested platforms:

  • Matlab's versions (DONE)
  • Windows support
    • Tested on Windows 10: Matlab 2017b and Octave 4.2
    • Windows 8.1: Matlab 2016b and Octave 4.2
  • Linux support:
    • Tested on Linux Mint/Ubuntu 17.1: Matlab 2009a, 2013b, 2016b, 2017b and Octave 4.0
    • Tested on Debian 7: Matlab 2009a

Known errors and limitations (DONE)

We have some errors and limitations to improve:

Datasets and experimental design functionallity

  • Add datasets loading tools (TODO?)
  • Add k-fold and hold-out experimental designs provided a dataset name (TODO?)
  • Perform experiments in all the datasets of a folder (DONE)


  • Instalation and quick instalation (DONE)
  • Tutorials:
    • scripts (DONE)
    • code example (DONE)
    • how to add a method or a metric (TODO)

API homogenization (DONE)

We need to standardize several aspects of methods (

  • Define common 'abstract' interface for all the methods, including functions that are not used in the experimenter but can be used externally (for instance train/test methods).
  • Code documentation, indentation, variable naming convention...

Code quality (DONE)


  • Create a tool to generate data partitions for ORCA from a single file.