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"Stale Issue Cleanup" Action for GitHub Actions

This GitHub action warns and then closes issues and PRs without activity after a specified amount of time. It improves upon GitHub's original stale action by allowing the action to run only on issues that contain a specified label, and removing labels once the issue sees new activity.

Building and testing

Install dependencies

$ yarn install

Run unit tests

$ yarn test

Local Integ Testing with Docker

This action is using Docker, so you can test it locally in dry run mode if you wish.

$ docker build -t stale-issue-cleanup .
$ docker run --label stale-issue-cleanup --env-file test/local-docker.env stale-issue-cleanup

Check out local-docker.env to configure your local testing options. Once you're satisfied that it's working the way you expect, you can create a workflow file and implement this as an action on your repo.


You need to add a workflow file into your repository under .github/workflows, just like any other Github Action. This workflow file follows the standard workflow syntax for Github Actions..

A sample workflow file for you to use as a drop-in is in sample_workflow.yml.

For a list of options and their description, see action.yml.

Here's an abbreviated example with just the step for this action:

- uses: aws-actions/stale-issue-cleanup@v3
    # Types of issues that will be processed
    issue-types: issues,pull_requests

    # Messages this action will apply to issues
    stale-issue-message: Stale issue message
    stale-pr-message: Stale pr message
    ancient-issue-message: Ancient issue message
    ancient-pr-message: Ancient pr message

    # Labels this action will apply to issues
    stale-issue-label: closing-soon
    exempt-issue-labels: awaiting-approval
    stale-pr-label: no-pr-activity
    exempt-pr-labels: awaiting-approval
    response-requested-label: response-requested
    closed-for-staleness-label: closed-for-staleness

    # Issue timing and upvote counting
    days-before-stale: 4
    days-before-close: 7
    days-before-ancient: 365
    minimum-upvotes-to-exempt: 10

    # Testing/debugging options
    loglevel: DEBUG
    dry-run: true

    # Leave this alone, or set to a PAT for the action to use
    repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

NOTE: For stability, you should use the action with either an explicit tag, or commit SHA:

uses: aws-actions/stale-issue-cleanup@v3

License Summary

This code is made available under the Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE.