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React Firebase Dashboard

Simple React App that showcasing how you can implement Google Sign-in method using firebase authentication. This App is built with React Hooks and Context API and used free Material-UI starter Sign-in side combined with Dashboard templates.


  • Create a new firebase project or use your existing one.
  • You'll need to enable Google authentication from Authentication > Sign-in method and Cloud Firestore database in order to save users in firestore database. Here is a good tutorial you can follow.
  • Create a new .env.local file inside the main app folder and copy/paste your firebase project configuration.
  REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  REACT_APP_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  REACT_APP_FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  REACT_APP_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  REACT_APP_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  REACT_APP_FIREBASE_APP_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Firebase
  2. React Firebase Hooks
  3. React Router Dom
  4. Material-UI
  5. React Context API



  • Update: MUI 5
  • Update: dependencies


  • Update: firebase 9
  • Update: All dependencies
  • Add: eslint airbnb config
  • Remove: React Context
  • Remove: option to add users to cloud firesote
  • Clean up code and minor bug fixed.


  • Refactor code to TypeScript
  • Add: Error message when sign-in
  • Add: Timestamp for newly created users
  • Update: Dependencies
  • fix: Minor bugs

CodeSandbox (code only - not authorized)


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License