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The Truestate contract is a smart contract written in Solidity that facilitates the creation of TruEstateObject contracts, which are ERC20 tokens representing shares in real estate assets. The contract has functions for creating and managing these object contracts, as well as burning tokens and setting minimum deposit amounts.


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# Truestate Contract

The Truestate contract is a Solidity smart contract that allows for the creation and management of individual ERC20 token contracts, each representing a separate "project" or "object". These projects can be used for a variety of purposes, such as crowdfunding, fundraising, or asset tokenization.

The contract provides a number of functions for creating and managing these individual projects, including the ability to create new projects, view project balances, burn tokens, and set minimum deposit amounts. The contract also uses two price aggregator contracts to determine the current exchange rate for Ether and other currencies.

Getting Started

To get started with the Truestate contract, you'll need to have a working Ethereum development environment set up, such as Truffle or Remix. Once you have your environment set up, you can deploy the Truestate contract to your local blockchain or test network.


Once the Truestate and TruEstateObject contracts are deployed, users can use them to create and trade real estate assets on the Ethereum blockchain. The Truestate contract allows users to create new TruEstateObject contracts representing individual real estate assets, while also providing functionality for managing and trading these assets.

Users can interact with the Truestate and TruEstateObject contracts using any Ethereum wallet or dApp that supports smart contract interactions. The specific methods and parameters for interacting with the contracts will depend on the interface being used, but will generally involve calling specific functions on the contracts and passing in relevant parameters.

For more information on using the Truestate and TruEstateObject contracts, please refer to the documentation and examples provided in the Truestate.sol and TruEstateObject.sol files. You can use the following functions to create and manage individual projects:

createProject(uint256 _supply)

Creates a new project with the specified token supply.

getContractAddressByID(uint256 _id)

Returns the address of the token contract for the specified project ID.

getBalanceByID(uint256 _id)

Returns the current token balance for the specified project ID.

burn(uint256 _id)

Burns all tokens for the specified project ID.

setMinAmountByID(uint256 _minAmount, uint256 _id)

Sets the minimum deposit amount for the specified project ID.

getMinAmountByID(uint256 _id)

Returns the minimum deposit amount for the specified project ID.


Returns the address of the payment wallet.

setAdmin(address account)

Sets the address of the payment wallet.


Returns the current exchange rate for Ether and other currencies.


Contributions to the Truestate contract are welcome and encouraged! To contribute, simply fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


The Truestate contract is released under the MIT License.


TruEstateObject is an ERC20-compatible token smart contract implemented on Ethereum. The token contract is deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet and it's used to represent ownership of an asset in the real estate sector.


The TruEstateObject token contract provides the following functionalities:

  • totalSupply(): returns the total number of tokens in circulation.
  • balanceOf(address account): returns the token balance of the specified account.
  • transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount): transfers a specified amount of tokens to the recipient address.
  • allowance(address owner, address spender): returns the remaining number of tokens that spender will be allowed to spend on behalf of owner through transferFrom.
  • approve(address spender, uint256 amount): sets the amount of tokens that spender is allowed to transfer on behalf of the msg.sender.
  • transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount): moves the amount of tokens from sender to recipient using the allowance mechanism.
  • increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue): increases the spender allowance by addedValue.
  • decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue): decreases the spender allowance by subtractedValue.
  • name(): returns the name of the token.
  • symbol(): returns the symbol of the token.
  • decimals(): returns the number of decimal places used for the token.
  • minbuy(): returns the minimum amount of tokens required to purchase.
  • initialize(string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint256 initialSupply): initializes the token contract with the given name_, symbol_ and initialSupply.


The TruEstateObject token contract has the following variables:

  • _balances: a mapping of user addresses to their token balances.
  • _allowances: a mapping of user addresses to a mapping of addresses allowed to spend tokens on behalf of that user.
  • _totalSupply: the total number of tokens in circulation.
  • payoutDone: a boolean that determines whether or not dividends have been paid out.
  • payoutDate: the date at which dividends will be paid out.
  • _dividends: the value of the dividends to be paid out.
  • _minbuy: the minimum amount of tokens required to purchase.
  • holdersCount: the number of token holders.
  • holders: a mapping of token holders' indexes to their addresses.
  • expireTerm: the amount of time (in seconds) before dividends expire.
  • _decimals: the number of decimal places used for the token.
  • _name: the name of the token.
  • _symbol: the symbol of the token.


The TruEstateObject token contract emits the following event:

  • DividendClaim(address indexed _account, address indexed _contract, uint256 _tokens, uint256 _ethereum): emitted when a token holder claims dividends.


To deploy the Truestate and TruEstateObject contracts in Remix, follow these steps:

  1. Open Remix and create a new Solidity file.
  2. Copy and paste the contents of the Truestate.sol file into the new file.
  3. Compile the contract by clicking the Solidity compiler icon in the left sidebar, then selecting the appropriate compiler version and clicking "Compile Truestate.sol".
  4. Deploy the contract by clicking the "Deploy & Run Transactions" icon in the left sidebar, then selecting "Truestate" as the contract to deploy and selecting your preferred Ethereum network (e.g. Mainnet, Rinkeby, etc.).
  5. Set the constructor parameters for the Truestate contract by filling in the values for feePercentage and owner. These can be set to any values you prefer.
  6. Click "Deploy" to deploy the Truestate contract.
  7. Copy the address of the deployed Truestate contract.
  8. Repeat steps 2-6 for the TruEstateObject.sol contract, using the address of the deployed Truestate contract as the constructor parameter for the truestateContract parameter.
  9. Once both contracts are deployed, you can interact with them using the Remix interface.

Note that deploying contracts on a live Ethereum network can incur transaction fees, so be sure to have sufficient funds in your Ethereum wallet to cover these costs.



The Truestate contract is a smart contract written in Solidity that facilitates the creation of TruEstateObject contracts, which are ERC20 tokens representing shares in real estate assets. The contract has functions for creating and managing these object contracts, as well as burning tokens and setting minimum deposit amounts.







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