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Promoting the arrow type

With the upcoming GHC 8.0 release, the DataKinds extension promotes GADTs, giving us access to vastly greater numbers of even richer types and kinds. I can confirm that this makes programming at the type level much more fun, but it's still a bit awkward. At the term level, we work with datatype constructors and with first-class functions, but at the type level we really only have type constructors (promoted datatype constructors as well as the vanilla type constructors); there's no built-in first-class type-level function. So it's difficult to come up with even very simple functional programming motifs at the type level, like a right-fold for instance:

Foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Foldr (+) 0 '[1,2,3] :: Nat

Wouldn't it be cool if we could do that? What's written just won't work, because (+) is a type family, and type families are not types, so it just makes no sense. But with a little bit of work, and help from GADT promotion, we can capture the same idea but with a bit of syntactic overhead:

Foldr :$ F Plus :: Lambda (Ty Nat :-> Ty [Nat] :-> Ty Nat)
Foldr :$ F Plus :$ 'LCon 0 :$ 'LCon '[1,2,3] :: Lambda (Ty Nat)
RunLambda (Foldr :$ F Plus :$ 'LCon 0 :$ 'LCon '[1,2,3] :: Nat
= 6

We can even simulate function overloading, and give functor and applicative "instances" to types:

RunLambda (F Plus :<$> 'LCon ('Just ('LCon 2)) :<*> 'LCon ('Just ('LCon 2)))
= 'Just ('LCon 2)

RunLambda (F Plus :<$> 'LCon ('Left ('LCon 1)) :<*> 'LCon ('Right ('LCon 2)))
= 'Left ('LCon 1)

What follows is an explanation of how this can be done. The idea is straightforward: describe a lambda calculus as a GADT and promote it. An implementation is available on github. It requires a patch for GHC bug #11348 which is submitted but awaiting review.

The impotent arrow kind

The arrow type (->) s t is of course not an algebraic datatype, and so it's not promoted by DataKinds, but there is ostensibly a corresponding kind which happens to look exactly the same. The arrow kind describes type constructors, but it's sparsely populated. Type constructors and promoted data constructors are its only inhabitants, and these don't admit very many possibilities because they can't do analysis (pattern matching) of types. If we wish to write a type-level boolean not, for instance, our only option is to add a new constructor to Bool.

Analysis of types is offered by type families, but these are in fact not types in the arrow kind! Although GHC represents type family names in the same way as type constructors, and GHCi will tell you that the kind of an unsaturated type family is an arrow kind, only saturated type families really are types (and that's according to GHC, not just me).

Algebraic type-level functions


Let's dive right in. To start, we give the definition of our own special arrow kind. It follows the same recursive pattern as the existing arrow kind, except that the nonrecursive case is any kind, including existing arrow kinds.

data LambdaType where
    LBase :: s -> LambdaType
    LArrow :: LambdaType -> LambdaType -> LambdaType

type Ty = 'LBase

infixr 0 :->
type (:->) = 'LArrow

Thus we have two levels of arrows: those which appear in 'LBase, and our new invented arrows called 'LArrow. This really is a sane thing to do, because when LambdaTypes are used to parameterize our lambda calculus, we'll see that 'LBase picks out exactly the forms which can be "run" to produce a type.

-- | A lambda calculus with primitive terms corresponding to type constructors,
data Lambda (t :: LambdaType) where
    -- Type annotation.
    LAnn :: Lambda t -> Proxy t -> Lambda t
    -- Type constructor.
    LCon :: t -> Lambda ('LBase t)
    -- Type constructor application (application within the unpromoted arrow
    -- kind).
    LCap :: Lambda ('LBase (s -> t)) -> Lamba ('LBase s) -> Lambda ('LBase t)
    -- Named variable.
    LVar :: Proxy (name :: Symbol) -> Lambda t
    -- Lambda abstraction. Note the type variable @s@ which appears only in the
    -- rightmost part. It can be constrained by using 'LAnn.
    LAbs :: Proxy (name :: Symbol) -> Lambda t -> Lambda ('LArrow s t)
    -- Lambda application.
    LApp :: Lambda ('LArrow s t) -> Lambda s -> Lambda t
    -- Let bindings.
    LLet :: Proxy (name :: Symbol) -> Lambda t -> Lambda u -> Lambda u

type x :@ y = 'LCap x y
type x :$ y = 'LApp x y
type x ::: y = 'LAnn x y
type L (x :: Symbol) y = 'LAbs ('Proxy :: Proxy x) y
type V (x :: Symbol) = 'LVar ('Proxy :: Proxy x)

This Lambda t is capable of expressing every type of arrow kind and even more! Given any type constructor or promoted data constructor, we can wrap it in 'LCon to obtain the corresponding type in Lambda t.

'LCon Maybe :: Lambda ('LBase (Type -> Type))
'LCon Maybe :@ 'LCon Bool :: Lambda ('LBase Type)
'LCon 'Just :: Lambda ('LBase (a -> Maybe a))
'LCon ('Just 'True) :: Lambda ('LBase (Maybe Bool))
'LCon 'Just :@ 'LCon 'True :: Lambda ('LBase (Maybe Bool))

A certain class of functions--those which do not analyse their arguments--are also in Lambda t, such as counterparts of term-level id :: a -> a and const :: a -> b -> a.

L "x" (V "x") :: Lambda ('LArrow s t)
L "x" (L "y" (V "x")) :: Lambda ('LArrow s ('LArrow s1 t))

The kinds of these types are all wrong, because 'LVar is not sensitive to the kind of the variable which it mentions (all it carries is a symbol to identify some other Lambda). To fix this, we can give a type synonym which takes a proxy to constrain the kind of the whole term, like so:

type Id (pk :: Proxy k) =

    (L "x" (V "x")) ::: ('Proxy :: Proxy (Ty k :-> Ty k))

type Const (pk :: Proxy k) (pl :: Proxy l) =

    (L "x" (L "y" (V "x"))) ::: ('Proxy :: Proxy (Ty k :-> Ty l :-> Ty k))

When a such polymorphic function is applied to a Lambda t where t is known, the kind of the proxy can be inferred. This reminds me of implicit parameters in Agda or Idris. From now forward we'll use the shorthand Ty and :-> to write LambdaTypes.

Id 'Proxy :@ 'LCon 'True :: Lambda Bool
Const 'Proxy 'Proxy :@ 'LCon 42 :@ 'LCon 'True :: Lambda Nat

It's even possible to construct higher-order functions, like this one which applies a lifted type function to the type 'True.

type ApplyToTrue =
        (L "f" (V "f" :$ 'LCon 'True))
    ::: ('Proxy :: Proxy ((Ty Bool :-> Ty Bool) :-> Ty Bool))

Embedding type families

It is possible to give a type-level pattern matching construction, and this can be found in the repository. But this only works on algebraic types; we can't pattern match against a Nat or a Symbol, as these types are built-in to GHC and reveal none of their structure. The only way to work with these kinds is via type families, so in any case, we'll need some way to embed type families into Lambda.

Since an unsaturated type family is not a type, we need to come up with some other way of identifying a type family and any arguments applied to it. The solution used here is to define a new datatype, call it a type family proxy, which follows a special form: every one of its parameters except for the final is a Lambda, its final parameter is a Proxy (t :: LambdaType), and it constructs a Type. So we're looking at things like

data PlusProxy (m :: Lambda (Ty Nat)) (n :: Lambda (Ty Nat)) (p :: Proxy (Ty Nat))
data TimesProxy (m :: Lambda (Ty Nat)) (n :: Lambda (Ty Nat)) (p :: Proxy (Ty Nat))
data FmapProxy (g :: Lambda (s :-> t)) (x :: Lambda (Ty (f (Lambda s)))) (p :: Proxy (Ty (f (Lambda t))))
data ApProxy (mf :: Lambda (Ty (f (Lambda (a :-> b))))) (mx :: Lambda (Ty (f (Lambda a)))) (p :: Proxy (Ty (f (Lambda b))))

The final parameter serves to indicate the codomain of the family which the datatype proxies. This parameter should never be filled in. The point is to use the earlier arguments to constrain this proxied LambdaType so that when all of the other parameters are given, the kind is Proxy (t :: LambdaType) -> Type. We'll see how that's useful when we try to evaluate Lambdas.

Embedding a type family proxy into Lambda yields an 'LArrow, and we apply arguments to these proxies in the same way we apply arguments to 'LAbss. Whereas 'LAbs leaves the domain of its 'LArrow parameter free, 'LFam leaves the codomain free, because we need a type family in order to compute that kind. It can be set correctly by using the "smart constructor" F which chooses the appropritate LambdaType based on the kind of the family proxy datatype.

    -- In the GADT for Lambda.
    -- Type family embedding.
    LFam :: (Lambda s -> t) -> Lambda ('LArrow s u)

type family LFamType (l :: Type) :: LambdaType where
    LFamType (Proxy (t :: LambdaType) -> Type) = t
    LFamType (Lambda t -> r) = 'LArrow t (LFamType r)

type family F (l :: Lambda s -> t) :: Lambda ('LArrow s (LFamType t)) where
    F l = 'LFam l

F Plus :: Lambda (Ty Nat :-> Ty Nat :-> Ty Nat)
F Times :$ 'LCon 2 :: Lambda (Ty Nat :-> Ty Nat)
F Times :$ 'LCon 2 :$ 'LCon 2 :: Lambda (Ty Nat)


With type-level functions formally expressed by Lambda t, it's important to have a way to strip off the Lambda constructor and return to the world of ordinary types. If we're dealing with a Lambda (s :-> t) then this just can't be done, since types of this kind represent type-level functions more general than those in the arrow kind. After all, if every Lambda (s :-> t) had a corresponding type of kind s -> t then Lambda wouldn't yield any new type level functions and this whole exercise would be trivial.

So ultimately what we're after is the following type family:

type family RunLambda (l :: Lambda ('LBase s)) :: s where
    RunLambda l = GetLambda (DropEnv (NormalForm 'BoundNamesNil l))

type family GetLambda (l :: Lambda (LBase s)) :: s where
    GetLambda ('LCon c) = c

type family DropEnv (t :: (BoundNames, l)) :: l where
    DropEnv '(env, l) = l

type family NormalForm (env :: BoundNames) (l :: Lambda t) :: (BoundNames, Lambda t) where

It accepts only Lambda (Ty s), i.e. Lambdas which have a corresponding type, and it's implemented by reducing the Lambda to a normal form, which is always an 'LCon, and then stripping away that constructor.

To facilitate name bindings in lambda abstractions and let clauses, we need a kind whose types associate Symbols with closures. This is called BoundNames:

data BoundNames where
    BoundNamesNil :: BoundNames
    BoundNamesCons :: Proxy (name :: Symbol) -> (BoundNames, Lambda t) -> BoundNames -> BoundNames

type family LookupName (name :: Symbol) (t :: LambdaType) (env :: BoundNames) :: (BoundNames, Lambda t) where
    LookupName name t env = LookupNameRec env name t env

-- | Keep the original environment around. Useful for when it gets stuck, so we
--   can see the whole input.
type family LookupNameRec (origEnv :: BoundNames) (name :: Symbol) (t :: LambdaType) (env :: BoundNames) :: (BoundNames, Lambda t) where
    LookupNameRec origEnv name t ('BoundNamesCons ('Proxy :: Proxy name) '(env, (x :: Lambda t)) rest) = '(env, x)
    LookupNameRec origEnv name t ('BoundNamesCons ('Proxy :: Proxy name') '(env, (x :: Lambda t')) rest) =
        LookupNameRec origEnv name t rest

type family AppendBoundNames (a :: BoundNames) (b :: BoundNames) :: BoundNames where
    AppendBoundNames 'BoundNamesNil b = b
    AppendBoundNames ('BoundNamesCons proxy t rest) b =
        'BoundNamesCons proxy t (AppendBoundNames rest b)

Computing the normal form is straightforward for some of the Lambda constructors:

    -- Type annotations are removed.
    NormalForm env ('LAnn l proxy) = NormalForm env l
    -- Type constructors are in normal form.
    NormalForm env ('LCon c) = '(env, 'LCon c)
    -- Abstractions and type families are in normal form. Only when applied to
    -- something will they be reduced.
    NormalForm env ('LAbs proxyName body) = '(env, 'LAbs proxyName body)
    NormalForm env ('LFam l) = '(env, 'LFam l)
    -- Variables are resolved, and the associated Lambda is assumed to be
    -- already in normal form.
    NormalForm env ('LVar ('Proxy :: Proxy name) :: Lambda t) = LookupName name t env

Normal forms of the remaining constructors require more involvement from the BoundNames environment.

    -- Type constructor application
    NormalForm env ('LCap left right) =
        NormalFormCap env (NormalForm env left) (NormalForm env right)
    NormalForm env ('LApp left right) =
        NormalFormApp env (NormalForm env left) (NormalForm env right)
    NormalForm env ('LLet proxyName rhs body) =
        NormalForm ('BoundNamesCons proxyName (NormalForm env rhs) env) body

-- | The normal form of an application. Takes the normal form left-hand part
--   and the normal form right-hand part.
type family NormalFormApp (env :: BoundNames) (left :: (BoundNames, Lambda (LArrow s t))) (right :: (BoundNames, Lambda s)) :: (BoundNames, Lambda t) where
    NormalFormApp env '(env', 'LAbs proxyName body) '(env'', right) =
        NormalForm ('BoundNamesCons proxyName '(env'', right) (AppendBoundNames env' env)) body
    NormalFormApp env '(env', 'LFam (l :: Lambda s -> Proxy t -> Type)) '(env'', right) =
        --NormalForm (AppendBoundNames env' (AppendBoundNames env'' env)) (EvalFamily (l right))
        NormalForm env (EvalFamily (l right))
    NormalFormApp env '(env', 'LFam (l :: Lambda s -> Lambda t -> r)) '(env'', right) =
        --NormalForm (AppendBoundNames env' (AppendBoundNames env'' env)) ('LFam (l right))
        NormalForm env ('LFam (l right))

type family NormalFormCap (env :: BoundNames) (left :: (BoundNames, Lambda (LBase (s -> t)))) (right :: (BoundNames, Lambda (LBase s))) :: (BoundNames, Lambda (LBase t)) where
    -- In order to apply right to con, we need to evaluate right to a
    -- non-Lambda. This works only if right is an 'LCon.
    NormalFormCap env '(env', 'LCon con) '(env'', right) =
        NormalForm env ('LCon (con (GetLambda right)))


First-class type-level functions







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