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Releases: automerge/pushpin

PushPin 2.0 beta release!

27 Nov 17:48
@pvh pvh
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Announcing PushPin 2.0! We've done a ton of work throughout the system and wanted to share binary releases with you. Since 1.2 we've added support for new file types, implemented a web clipping system, improved performance, rebuilt our networking stack, added some encryption to shares, and gussied up the UI... no stone has been unturned.

As usual, PushPin is experimental software and we make no promises it won't eat your homework, accidentally publish your data, or just stop working. That said, we'd love you to check it out and give us your feedback.



22 Oct 00:38
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v1.2-beta.0 Pre-release
add eslint to recommended extensions

Beta 1 of PushPin

14 Jun 19:20
@pvh pvh
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Here's a Windows build by request of master. We'll call this beta1, but I don't plan to cut releases for other platforms unless someone asks.

New features include

  • a redesigned titlebar which separates the search box from the title editor
  • pdf support (finally merged but likely still slightly flaky)
  • fixed card dragging & various other performance bugs

Bug reports, performance problems, and feature requests are all welcome.

Pushpin v1.1 Alpha

09 Jun 06:20
@pvh pvh
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Pushpin v1.1 Alpha Pre-release

After a year on hiatus, Pushpin 0.9 is here hosted on an updated stack. This should improve start-up time and performance. Bug reports welcome -- your data from 0.8 is safe, but will not load in this release.

Notably, this release relies on discovery-cloud-client, a piece of per-project infrastructure we run in Heroku to handle peer discovery. As such, it will only connect to other peers with an internet connection, and will not work offline over mDNS on a local network. I hope we'll be able to return to discovery-swarm or something similar in the future.

PushPin Alpha 2

28 Jun 23:54
@pvh pvh
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PushPin Alpha 2 Pre-release

A number of small tweaks went into this version, mostly around improving the clarity and usability of the title bar. Your first-ever board will also begin with a tutorial card on it.

PushPin Alpha 1

26 Jun 16:31
@pvh pvh
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PushPin Alpha 1 Pre-release

This build is a test of the release system. It's missing a few final details and some fit and finish.