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100 Days Of Code - Log [Start date: March 12th 2019] Days 11-20


Day 11: March 22, 2019

Today's Progress: JS30 Flex Panel Gallery & Ajax Type Ahead

Feeling: 😡😡😭😲✨🎉

Thoughts: I got the gallery working with my own code, but followed tutorial, which I admit was better. I then wanted to add a close toggle type of thing... AND I SUCCEEDED! WOOT! I didn't have the same "I beat the tutorial" feeling with the Ajax Type Ahead one. I pretty much followed it to the "T". I realized Ajax isn't super complicated as I thought. I want to figure out a small project where I can use this!

Worked On:

  • JS30: Flex Panel Gallery
  • JS30: Ajax Type Ahead

Things I've learned/need to research:

  1. Ajax is pretty cool, it also stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML... which honestly got me all confused again. So I will include a definition that clarified what it was. AJAX is abbreviated for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. AJAX is the idea that data can be loaded without refreshing the entire page. Quora - William Green

Next Steps:

Link to work(s):

Day 12: March 23, 2019

Today's Progress: JS30 Array Cardio 2

Feeling: 😑😑😐😓

Thoughts: I almost lost my streak of programming today. I honestly felt like doing ABSOLUTELY nothing. I read a few tutorials (sorta) and was going to learn React, but failed. I did manage to do a quick Wes Bos JS30 lesson. I think the amount of time I spend day-to-day will make up for my lack today lol.

Worked On:

  • JS30 Array Cardio 2

Things I've learned/need to research:

  1. console.table() IS AN ACTUAL THING?!?!? WHAT????!!!! Where has this been in my short dev life?!
  2. Learned about array.some() and array.every()! Pretty cool stuff.
  3. Tried to make a markdown snippet, but realised it wasn't working.. Apparently you need to Ctrl + Space for it to show up... intertesting issue #1617. I also used part of this tutorial Make Snippets

Next Steps:

  • Spend more time tomorrow working on code.
  • Learn React and convert subwall project.
  • Spend more time building actuall small projects!

Link to work(s):

Day 13 : March 24, 2019


Feeling: 😞😞🙍🏾‍♀️😥

Thoughts: I didn't feel like coding all day, plus we were out half the day. I DID watch a JS30 code video though! That has to count for something.

Worked On:

  • JS30 Canvas (sorta)
  • JS30 Console.logs

Things I've learned/need to research:

  1. I learened some cool console.log things. It was cool learning all that stuff

Day 14 : March 25, 2019

Today's Progress: JS30 Canvas

Feeling: 😓☹😡☹😕😵✨😅😎

Thoughts: I really didn't feel like coding all yesterday and today tbh. I did manage to fit a JS30 tutorial in, but I know I could have worked harder. I WAS SUPER AMAZED at the canvas tutorial tough. It's magic! ✨ :O

Worked On:

  • JS30 Canvas!
  • Dev breakfast (?? IDK what will come of this)

Things I've learned/need to research:

  1. globalCompositeOperation globalCompositeOperation

Next Steps:


Link to works(s)

100 Days of Code originally by @ka11away


Jaye's 100 Days of Code Journal - to keep myself accountable.






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