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GraphBlox: A Vertex Centric Re-Configurable Graph Accelerator Overlay

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GraphBlox: A Vertex Centric Re-Configurable Graph Processing Overlay


GraphBlox is a vertex-centric reconfigurable graph processing overlay for FPGAs. It is designed to address the challenges of graph processing on FPGAs, such as long reconfiguration time, limited memory bandwidth, and high power consumption.

  • GraphBlox achieves its performance and efficiency by:
    • Abstracting common access patterns in graph algorithms into engines for faster programmability.
    • Providing a scalable and flexible architecture that can be customized to the specific needs of a graph algorithm.
    • Using a high-performance memory system that can efficiently access large graphs.
    • Implementing efficient dataflow and control flow mechanisms.

GraphBlox has been evaluated on a variety of graph algorithms, including breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS), and single source shortest path (SSSP). It has shown significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art FPGA-based graph processing systems.

  • The following are some of the key features of GraphBlox:
    • Vertex-centric programming model: GraphBlox uses a vertex-centric programming model, which is a natural fit for many graph algorithms. In this model, each vertex is processed independently, and the results of processing one vertex are used to process the next vertex.
    • Reconfigurable engines: GraphBlox provides a set of reconfigurable engines that can be used to implement the common access patterns in graph algorithms. This allows GraphBlox to be quickly and easily reconfigured for different graph algorithms.
    • Scalable architecture: GraphBlox is designed to be scalable to large graphs. It can be easily scaled up by adding more processing elements.
    • High-performance memory system: GraphBlox uses a high-performance memory system that can efficiently access large graphs. This is achieved by using a distributed memory system with a high bandwidth interconnect HBM.
    • Efficient dataflow and control flow mechanisms: GraphBlox uses efficient dataflow and control flow mechanisms to minimize the overhead of processing graphs. This is achieved by using a pipelined execution model and by avoiding unnecessary data movement.

GraphBlox is a promising new approach to graph processing on FPGAs. It has the potential to significantly improve the performance and efficiency of graph processing on FPGAs.

Figure 1: Graph Overlay (GraphBlox) Contributions

GraphBlox Benchmark Suite


Figure 4: Proposed Vertex Processing Elements (PEs) for graph processing kernels.

Figure 2: GraphBlox, adding engines to be used for different Graph Algorithms same time

Installation and Dependencies

Xilinx Dependencies

The design has been verified with the following software/hardware environment and tool chain versions:

  • Hardware and Platform for your Alveo card (you need both the deployment and development platforms):
    • Alveo U250: xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1
    • Alveo U280: xilinx_u280_gen3x16_xdma_1_202211_1
  • Perl package installed for Verilog simulation (required)

CPU Dependencies


  1. Judy Arrays
user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install libjudy-dev
  1. OpenMP is already a feature of the compiler, so this step is not necessary.
user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install libomp-dev

Running GraphBlox

Setting up GraphBlox for Emulation - Example

  1. Clone GraphBlox.
user@host:~$ git clone
  1. From the home directory go to the GraphBlox directory:
user@host:~$ cd GraphBlox/
  1. Make the source code, package kernel, and generate Xilinxs IPs (AXI/FIFOs).
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make
  1. Running GraphBlox overlay emulation
    1. Make xclbin file for emulation (cycle accurate emualtion of hw) -- Modify TARGET=hw_emu in Makefile or pass it in CLI:
    user@host:~GraphBlox$ make build-hw TARGET=hw_emu
    1. Run in emulation mode:
    user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-emu TARGET=hw_emu
    1. View emulation waves:
    user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-emu-waves TARGET=hw_emu

Xilinx Flow

  • You can pass parameters or modify Makefile parameters (easiest way) at GraphBlox root directory, to control the FPGA development flow and support.
PART xcu250-figd2104-2L-e Part matching u250 Alveo card
PLATFORM xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1 Platform matching u250 Alveo card
TARGET hw_emu Build target, hw or hw_emu
KERNEL_NAME graphBlox_kernel packaged kernel
DEVICE_INDEX 0 FPGA device index
XCLBIN_PATH file.xclbin .xclbin filepath

Simulation Mode

Refreshing graphBlox_ip and scripts into xilinx_project directory

  1. When modifying graphBlox_ip and scripts directories, especially in simulation mode use the following rule - this makes sure that the updated scripts and Verilog code are copied to the active xilinx_project directory:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make gen-scripts-dir

Simulation graphBlox_ip flow

  1. Generate Xilinx IPs:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make gen-vip
  1. Run simulation on xsim:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-sim
  1. View simulation waves:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-sim-wave

Hardware Emulation Mode (TARGET=hw_emu)

  1. Generate Xilinx IPs:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make gen-vip
  1. Package GraphBlox kernel:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make package-kernel
  1. Build binary for emulation:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make build-hw TARGET=hw_emu
  1. Run GraphBlox on emulated hw:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-emu
  1. View emulation waves:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-emu-wave

Hardware Mode (TARGET=hw)

  1. Generate Xilinx IPs:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make gen-vip
  1. Package GraphBlox kernel:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make package-kernel
  1. Build binary for FPGA:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make build-hw TARGET=hw
  1. Run GraphBlox on taget fgpa:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run-fpga

Generate reports in hardware mode (TARGET=hw)

  1. Generate Timing, Resource utilization and power reports:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make report_metrics 

Open Project in Vivado GUI hardware or emulation mode (TARGET=hw/hw_emu)

  1. Generate Vivado project:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make open-vivado-project

CPU Flow

Initial compilation for the Graph framework with OpenMP

  1. The default compilation is openmp mode:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make
  1. From the root directory you can modify the Makefile with the (parameters) you need for OpenMP:
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make run
  • You can pass parameters modifying Makefile parameters (easiest way) - cross reference with (parameters) to pass the correct values.
ARGS arguments passed to graphBlox
Graph Files Directory
FILE_BIN graph edge-list location
FILE_LABEL graph edge-list reorder list
Graph Structures PreProcessing
SORT_TYPE graph edge-list sort (count/radix)
REORDER_LAYER1 Reorder graph for cache optimization
Algorithms General
PULL_PUSH Direction push,pull,hybrid
Algorithms Specific
ROOT source node for BFS, etc
TOLERANCE PR tolerance for convergence
NUM_ITERATIONS PR iterations or convergence
DELTA SSSP delta step
General Performance
NUM_THREADS_PRE number of threads for the preprocess step (graph sorting, generation)
NUM_THREADS_ALGO number of threads for the algorithm step (BFS,PR, etc)
NUM_THREADS_KER (Optional) number of threads for the algorithm kernel (BFS,PR, etc)
NUM_TRIALS number of trials for the same algorithms

Graph structure Input (Edge list)

  • If you open the Makefile you will see the convention for graph directories : BENCHMARKS_DIR/GRAPH_NAME/graph.wbin.
  • .bin stands to unweighted edge list, .wbin stands for wighted, In binary format. (This is only a convention you don't have to use it)
  • The reason behind converting the edge-list from text to binary, it is simply takes less space on the drive for large graphs, and easier to use with the mmap function.
Source Dest Weight (Optional)
30 3 1
3 4 1
  • Example:
  • INPUT: (unweighted textual edge-list)
 30    3
 3     4
 25    5
 25    7
 6     3
 4     2
 6     12
 6     8
 6     11
 8     22
 9     27

  • convert to binary format and add random weights, for this example all the weights are 1.
  • --graph-file-format is the type of graph you are reading, --convert-format is the type of format you are converting to.
  • NOTE: you can read the file from text format without the convert step. By adding --graph-file-format 0 to the argument list. The default is 1 assuming it is binary. please check --help for better explanation.
  • --stats is a flag that enables conversion. It used also for collecting stats about the graph (but this feature is on hold for now).
  • (unweighted graph)
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make convert
  • OR (weighted graph)
user@host:~GraphBlox$ make convert-w
  • OR (weighted graph)
user@host:~GraphBlox$ ./bin/graphBlox-openmp  --generate-weights --stats --graph-file-format=0 --convert-format=1 --graph-file=../BENCHMARKS_DIR/GRAPH_NAME/graph
  • Makefile parameters
File Formats
FILE_FORMAT the type of graph read
CONVERT_FORMAT the type of graph converted
  • OUTPUT: (weighted binary edge-list)
1e00 0000 0300 0000 0100 0000 0300 0000
0400 0000 0100 0000 1900 0000 0500 0000
0100 0000 1900 0000 0700 0000 0100 0000
0600 0000 0300 0000 0100 0000 0400 0000
0200 0000 0100 0000 0600 0000 0c00 0000
0100 0000 0600 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000
0600 0000 0b00 0000 0100 0000 0800 0000
1600 0000 0100 0000 0900 0000 1b00 0000
0100 0000

Identifying Access Patterns and Control Flow in Graph Algorithms

Graph processing kernels share common behaviors. GraphBlox's primary purpose is to abstract such access flows into engines for faster programmability between graph algorithms instead of having a fixed accelerator. Such overlay architecture reduces the reconfiguration time from typical FPGA flow, taking ms-s into ns-us. Figure 4 highlight the Breadth-First Search (BFS) bottom-up approach graph algorithm analysis and its correlation to the GraphBlox architecture design. For instance, a graph algorithm needs to interact with the graph structure commonly represented in the Compressed Sparse Row Matrix (CSR), as shown in Figure 2. Such behaviors are abstracted into sequential accesses and usually relate to accessing the graph CSR structure data, for example, the degree, vertex offset data, and the neighbor list for the processed vertex as shown in Figure 4 step A.

As illustrated in steps C and E, the graph property data is most often accessed randomly and has high cache miss rates. Both behaviors will be supported and optimized with specialized read/write engines in GraphBlox architecture. Other behaviors such as mathematical operations and branches are kept in a dataflow approach. As each vertex read/write request is filtered or processed based on a conditional reprogrammable module for each engine, while an ALU handles simple mathematical operations if needed. Figure 4 displays the final analysis for BFS and the proposed Processing Elements (PEs).

Figure 4: Graph fundamental Compressed Sparse Row Matrix (CSR) structure

Figure 5: BFS bottom-up approach, a graph kernel contains identifiable behaviors that can be abstracted into FPGA overlay engines.

GraphBlox Architecture

Figure 5 illustrates an abstract overview of GraphBlox vertex-centric graph processing overlay. The Vertex CU supports multiple programmable engines and processing elements (PEs). These engines and PEs are bundled within the Vertex CU, where each PE bundle is pipelined in a step manner. A PE bundle contains read/write engines, conditional modules, ALU, and arbitration units to forward the data to the next cluster.

Vertex CU clusters are hierarchically grouped for scalability, where each set is handled by a level of arbitration that forwards/receives commands from the memory interfaces. Vertex property data reuse or atomic instruction is forwarded to the CXL interface cache. In contrast, structure data or read-only data with low reuse are utilized via HBM. Furthermore, a simple caching mechanism is provided on-chip for read-only data with high reuse to enhance response time and reduce the pressure on the HBM/CXL interfaces.

Figure 4 and Figure 6 showcase how BFS maps on each Vertex CU, step-A vertex-IDs are scheduled to each CU and processed in a vertex-centric manner. The first PE bundle is configured for step B to read the CSR offset and other structural data. The conditional statement filters the vertices visited from the next PE bundle in step C. Next, step D read the graph neighbor list from the CSR structure. Finally, in steps E and F, a conditional break halts the engine from processing the vertex neighbor list and updates the frontier data.

Figure 6: BFS algorithm on GraphBlox

GraphIt integration ... Comming soon. -- GraphBlox Graph Description Language (GGDL)

GraphBlox Options

GraphBlox Host

Usage: graphBlox-openmp [OPTION...]
            -f <graph file> -d [data structure] -a [algorithm] -r [root] -n
            [num threads] [-h -c -s -w]

GraphBlox is an open source graph processing framework, it is designed to be a
benchmarking suite for various graph processing algorithms using pure C.

   -a, --algorithm=[DEFAULT:[0]-BFS]
                             [8]-Triangle Counting,

  -b, --delta=[DEFAULT:1]    
                             SSSP Delta value [Default:1].

  -c, --convert-format=[DEFAULT:[1]-binary-edgeList]
                             [serialize flag must be on --serialize to write]
                             Serialize graph text format (edge list format) to
                             binary graph file on load example:-f <graph file>
                             -c this is specifically useful if you have Graph
                             CSR/Grid structure and want to save in a binary
                             file format to skip the preprocessing step for
                             future runs. 

  -C, --cache-size=<LLC>     
                             LLC cache size for MASK vertex reodering

  -d, --data-structure=[DEFAULT:[0]-CSR]
                             [1]-CSR Segmented (use cache-size parameter)

  -e, --tolerance=[EPSILON:0.0001]
                             Tolerance value of for page rank

  -f, --graph-file=<FILE>    
                             Edge list represents the graph binary format to
                             run the algorithm textual format change

  -F, --labels-file=<FILE>   
                             Read and reorder vertex labels from a text file,
                             Specify the file name for the new graph reorder,
                             generated from Gorder, Rabbit-order, etc.

  -g, --bin-size=[SIZE:512]  
                             You bin vertices's histogram according to this
                             parameter, if you have a large graph you want to

  -i, --num-iterations=[DEFAULT:20]
                             Number of iterations for page rank to converge
                             [default:20] SSSP-BellmanFord [default:V-1].

  -j, --verbosity=[DEFAULT:[0:no stats output]
                             For now it controls the output of .perf file and
                             PageRank .stats (needs --stats enabled)
                             filesPageRank .stat [1:top-k results] [2:top-k
                             results and top-k ranked vertices listed.

  -k, --remove-duplicate     
                             Removers duplicate edges and self loops from the

  -K, --Kernel-num-threads=[DEFAULT:algo-num-threads]
                             Number of threads for graph processing kernel
                             (critical-path) (graph algorithm)

  -l, --light-reorder-l1=[DEFAULT:[0]-no-reordering]
  -L, --light-reorder-l2=[DEFAULT:[0]-no-reordering]
  -O, --light-reorder-l3=[DEFAULT:[0]-no-reordering]
                             Relabels the graph for better cache performance (l1,l2,l3)
                             (third layer). 
                             [11]-LoadFromFile (used for Rabbit order).

  -M, --mask-mode=[DEFAULT:[0:disabled]]
                             Encodes [0:disabled] the last two bits of
                             [2:in-degree]-Edgelist-labels or
                             [4:in-degree]-vertex-property-data with hot/cold
                             hints [11:HOT]|[10:WARM]|[01:LUKEWARM]|[00:COLD]
                             to specialize caching. The algorithm needs to
                             support value unmask to work.

  -n, --pre-num-threads=[DEFAULT:MAX]
                             Number of threads for preprocessing (graph
                             structure) step 

  -N, --algo-num-threads=[DEFAULT:MAX]
                             Number of threads for graph processing (graph

  -o, --sort=[DEFAULT:[0]-radix-src]

  -p, --direction=[DEFAULT:[0]-PULL]

                             NOTE: Please consult the function switch table for each

  -r, --root=[DEFAULT:0]     
                             BFS, DFS, SSSP root

  -s, --symmetrize           
                             Symmetric graph, create a set of incoming edges.

  -S, --stats                
                             Write algorithm stats to file. same directory as
                             the graph.PageRank: Dumps top-k ranks matching
                             using QPR similarity metrics.

  -t, --num-trials=[DEFAULT:[1 Trial]]
                             Number of trials for whole run (graph algorithm
                             run) [default:1].

  -w, --generate-weights     
                             Load or Generate weights. Check ->graphConfig.h
                             #define WEIGHTED 1 beforehand then recompile using
                             this option.

  -x, --serialize            
                             Enable file conversion/serialization use with

  -z, --graph-file-format=[DEFAULT:[1]-binary-edgeList]
                             Specify file format to be read, is it textual edge
                             list, or a binary file edge list. This is
                             specifically useful if you have Graph CSR/Grid
                             structure already saved in a binary file format to
                             skip the preprocessing step. 
                             [0]-text edgeList,
                             [1]-binary edgeList, 
                             [2]-graphCSR binary.

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

GraphBlox Device

Usage: graphBlox-openmp [OPTION...]
            -m <xclbin file> -q [device-index=0]
   -Q, --kernel-name=[DEFAULT:NULL]
                             Kernel package name.

   -q, --device-index=[DEFAULT:0]
                             Device ID of your target card use "xbutil list"

   -m, --xclbin-path=[DEFAULT:NULL]
                             Hardware overlay (XCLBIN) file for hw or hw_emu

GraphBlox Organization

├── 00_make
├── 01_host
│   ├── include
│   │   ├── algorithms
│   │   │   ├── ggdl
│   │   │   └── openmp
│   │   ├── config
│   │   ├── preprocess
│   │   ├── structures
│   │   ├── utils_fpga_cpp
│   │   └── utils_graph
│   └── src
│       ├── algorithms
│       │   ├── ggdl
│       │   └── openmp
│       ├── config
│       ├── main
│       ├── preprocess
│       ├── structures
│       ├── tests_c
│       ├── tests_cpp
│       ├── utils_fpga_cpp
│       └── utils_graph
├── 02_device
│   ├── hls
│   │   ├── include
│   │   │   ├── config
│   │   │   └── pkg
│   │   └── src
│   │       ├── engines
│   │       └── testbench
│   │           └── graphBlox
│   ├── ol
│   │   └── GraphBlox
│   │       ├── Engines
│   │       │   ├── Templates.json
│   │       │   └── Templates.ol
│   │       ├── Full
│   │       │   ├── Full.json
│   │       │   ├── Full.ol
│   │       │   └── Templates
│   │       ├── Lite
│   │       │   ├── Lite.json
│   │       │   ├── Lite.ol
│   │       │   └── Templates
│   │       └── Single
│   │           ├── Single.json
│   │           ├── Single.ol
│   │           └── Templates
│   ├── rtl
│   │   ├── bundle
│   │   ├── control
│   │   ├── cu
│   │   ├── engines
│   │   │   ├── engine_alu_ops
│   │   │   ├── engine_csr_index
│   │   │   ├── engine_cu_setup
│   │   │   ├── engine_filter_cond
│   │   │   ├── engine_forward_data
│   │   │   ├── engine_m_axi
│   │   │   ├── engine_merge_data
│   │   │   ├── engine_pipeline
│   │   │   ├── engine_read_write
│   │   │   └── engine_template
│   │   ├── kernel
│   │   ├── lane
│   │   ├── memory
│   │   │   ├── cache
│   │   │   │   └── iob_include
│   │   │   └── sram_axi
│   │   │       └── include
│   │   ├── pkg
│   │   ├── testbench
│   │   │   ├── integration
│   │   │   └── unit
│   │   │       ├── alu_operations
│   │   │       ├── arbiter
│   │   │       ├── bus_arbiter
│   │   │       ├── conditional_break
│   │   │       ├── conditional_continue
│   │   │       ├── conditional_filter
│   │   │       ├── integration_dual_ch
│   │   │       ├── kernel_setup
│   │   │       ├── random_read_engine
│   │   │       ├── random_write_engine
│   │   │       ├── serial_read_engine
│   │   │       ├── serial_write_engine
│   │   │       └── stride_index_generator
│   │   ├── top
│   │   └── utils
│   │       ├── arbiter
│   │       ├── counter
│   │       ├── fifo
│   │       ├── include
│   │       │   ├── global
│   │       │   ├── initialize
│   │       │   ├── mapping
│   │       │   ├── parameters
│   │       │   ├── portmaps
│   │       │   ├── testbench
│   │       │   └── topology
│   │       └── slice
│   └── utils
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├── utils.tcl
│       ├── utils.wcfg
│       └── utils.xdc
│           ├── U250
│           ├── U280
│           └── U55
├── 03_data
│   ├── LAW
│   │   ├── LAW-amazon-2008
│   │   ├── LAW-cnr-2000
│   │   ├── LAW-dblp-2010
│   │   └── LAW-enron
│   └── TEST
│       ├── graphbrew
│       ├── test
│       ├── v300_e2730
│       └── v51_e1021
└── 04_docs
    └── fig
        ├── datastructures
        └── graphBlox

Tasks TODO:

  • Finish preprocessing sort
    • Radix sort
  • Finish preprocessing Graph Data-structures
    • CSR (Compressed Sparse Row)
  • Add Light weight reordering
  • Finish graph algorithms suite OpenMP
    • BFS (Breadth First Search)
    • PR (Page-Rank)
    • DFS (Depth First Search)
    • SSSP (BellmanFord)
    • SPMV (Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication)
    • CC (Connected Components)
    • TC (Triangle Counting)
    • BC (Betweenness Centrality)
  • Finish graph algorithms suite GraphBlox
    • BFS (Breadth First Search)
    • PR (Page-Rank)
    • DFS (Depth First Search)
    • SSSP (BellmanFord)
    • SPMV (Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication)
    • CC (Connected Components)
    • TC (Triangle Counting)
    • BC (Betweenness Centrality)
  • Finish graph algorithms suite GraphBlox FPGA
    • BFS (Breadth First Search)
    • PR (Page-Rank)
    • DFS (Depth First Search)
    • SSSP (BellmanFord)
    • SPMV (Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication)
    • CC (Connected Components)
    • TC (Triangle Counting)
    • BC (Betweenness Centrality)
  • Support testing

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