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Mission | 任务

Help Connect wholesaler and reteller and avoid middleman while helping to book keep transactions.


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Web & Desktop| 网络和桌面

  • Web and desktop application are on the master branch.
  • Web和桌面应用程序位于master分支上。

Mobile android & ios | 手机Android和iOS

  • Android and ios are found on mobile branch
  • 在移动分支上可以找到Android和ios...

Tech used | 二手技术

  • We use angular and flutter to build this project and some php(Laravel backend), but you don't need backend at all!
  • 我们使用angular和flutter来构建该项目和一些php(Laravel后端),但是您根本不需要后端!

Make sure to use node v10.16.3 otherwise it won't run.


Bootstrap and package your project with Angular 9 and Electron 8 (Typescript + SASS + Hot Reload) for creating Desktop applications.

Currently runs with:

  • Angular v9.1.4
  • Electron v8.2.5
  • Electron Builder v22.6.0

With this config, you can :

  • Run flipper in a local development environment with Electron & Hot reload
  • Run flipper in a production environment
  • Package flipper into an executable file for Linux, Windows & Mac

/!\ Angular 8.x or Later CLI needs Node v10.16.3 to work.

Getting Started

Clone this repository locally :

git clone

Install dependencies with npm :

npm install

To build for development

 npm run start

Voila! Flipper start with hot reload !

The application code is managed by main.ts. In this sample, the app runs with a simple Angular App (http://localhost:4200) and an Electron window. The Angular component contains an example of Electron and NodeJS native lib import. You can disable "Developer Tools" by commenting win.webContents.openDevTools(); in main.ts.

Included Commands

Command Description
npm run ng:serve:web Execute the app in the browser
npm run build Build the app. Your built files are in the /dist folder.
npm run build:prod Build the app with Angular aot. Your built files are in the /dist folder.
npm run electron:local Builds flipperlication and start electron
npm run electron:linux Builds flipperlication and creates an app consumable on linux system
npm run electron:windows On a Windows OS, builds flipperlication and creates an app consumable in windows 32/64 bit systems
npm run electron:mac On a MAC OS, builds flipperlication and generates a .app file of flipperlication that can be run on Mac

flipperlication is optimised. Only /dist folder and node dependencies are included in the executable.

You want to use a specific lib (like rxjs) in electron main thread ?

YES! You can do it! Just by importing your library in npm dependencies section (not devDependencies) with npm install --save. It will be loaded by electron during build phase and added to your final package. Then use your library by importing it in main.ts file. Quite simple, isn't it ?

Browser mode

Maybe you want to execute the application in the browser with hot reload ? You can do it with npm run ng:serve:web. Note that you can't use Electron or NodeJS native libraries in this case. Please check providers/electron.service.ts to watch how conditional import of electron/Native libraries is done.