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Start an Hapi web server using Grunt

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2 And is compatible with Hapi 9.3.x

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-hapi --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "hapi" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named hapi to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  hapi: {
    custom_options: {
      options: {
        server: 'web',
        bases: {
          '/': '.'



Type: String Default value: null

In case of string, a filepath that points to a module that exports an Hapi server object.

Or alternatively since v0.8.0, a filepath that points to a module that exports an Hapi server object constructor function. create_server.js provides one example for such a constructor. The function signature of the exported function has been kept consistent with Hapi's. This new method can come handy if you want to override the construction attributes from your Gruntfile.

You may ask: but how would the caller of this constructor, namely grunt-hapi know about your desired options. See the following additional grunt-hapi option for that: create_options.

If you are wondering about why follow this obscure mechanism - read ahead, The options.server filepath is being required by grunt-hapi, why cannot a user require it in the Gruntfile and have total power of construction in a straight-forward fashion? The answer to that is that I tried it but ran into circular-reference issues in grunt.initConfig. Perhaps, the Hapi instance has some circular-references for convenience.


Type: Object Default value: null

The options object that would be used if server option provided to grunt-hapi is a module with exported constructor function.


Type: Object Default value: { }

Key/Value pair that associate a URI path from where you want to access static files with a FilePath that point to a directory where Hapi can find these static files.

Starting from Hapi v9.3.0, it is necessary to require and register manually the ìnert plugin in order to support this feature. Here is an example of the minimal addition needed:

var inert = require('inert');

// Then, after instantiating your Hapi server
// And after calling server.connection(...);
server.register(inert, function(err) {});

Don't forget to include the plugin in your dependencies

npm install --save inert


Type: Boolean Default value: false

By default, grunt-hapi is configured to be compatible with grunt-contrib-watch and launch the server as an asynchronous task. If you just want to run grunt hapi and directly have access to your application, you can specify the noasync option at True.

Usage Examples friendly

In this example, the module index.js located in the lib directory will be use to start an instance of Hapi server. The files in the public directory will be available from /public

Also, thanks to grunt-contrib-watch, the server will be restarted at every change.


  watch: {
    hapi: {
      files: ['lib/*.{js, coffee}'],
      tasks: ['hapi'],
      options: {
        spawn: false // Newer versions of grunt-contrib-watch might require this parameter.
  hapi: {
    custom_options: {
      options: {
        server: require('path').resolve('./lib/index'),
        bases: {
          '/public': require('path').resolve('./public/')

grunt.registerTask('server', [


var Hapi = require('hapi');

var app = new Hapi.Server();

module.exports = app;


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


This project is highly inspired by grunt-express

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Start an Hapi web server using Grunt







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