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0 | type: bug
0 | type: bug
Something isn't working
0 | type: duplicate
0 | type: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
0 | type: enhancement
0 | type: enhancement
New feature or request
0 | type: hardware support
0 | type: hardware support
Support third-party hardware and clones
0 | type: question
0 | type: question
0 | type: third party bug
0 | type: third party bug
1 | state: cannot reproduce
1 | state: cannot reproduce
The developer cannot reproduce the issue
1 | state: crowdfunding
1 | state: crowdfunding
1 | state: dirty fix
1 | state: dirty fix
The issue is fixed, but in a dirty way
1 | state: funded
1 | state: funded
1 | state: information gathering
1 | state: information gathering
1 | state: invalid
1 | state: invalid
This doesn't seem right or isn't an issue
1 | state: issue solved
1 | state: issue solved
1 | state: needs verification
1 | state: needs verification
1 | state: ready to merge
1 | state: ready to merge
1 | state: testing solution
1 | state: testing solution
Solution is in testing phase
1 | state: waiting for reporter feedback
1 | state: waiting for reporter feedback
1 | state: won't implement
1 | state: won't implement
1 | state: work in progress
1 | state: work in progress
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
information needed
information needed
Some additional information is needed