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Use Cohere and OpenSearch to analyze customer feedback in an MLOps pipeline

This repository contains the DAG code used in the Use Cohere and OpenSearch to analyze customer feedback in an MLOps pipeline use case.

The DAG in this repository uses the following packages:

How to use this repository

This section explains how to run this repository with Airflow. Note that you will need to copy the contents of the .env_example file to a newly created .env file and provide your own value for <your-cohere-api-key>. You can find your Cohere API key in the Cohere dashboard, a free account is sufficient to run this example.

Download the Astro CLI to run Airflow locally in Docker. astro is the only package you will need to install locally.

  1. Run git clone on your computer to create a local clone of this repository.
  2. Install the Astro CLI by following the steps in the Astro CLI documentation. Docker Desktop/Docker Engine is a prerequisite, but you don't need in-depth Docker knowledge to run Airflow with the Astro CLI.
  3. Run astro dev start in your cloned repository.
  4. After your Astro project has started. View the Airflow UI at localhost:8080.

In this project astro dev start spins up 6 Docker containers:

  • The Airflow webserver, which runs the Airflow UI and can be accessed at https://localhost:8080/.
  • The Airflow scheduler, which is responsible for monitoring and triggering tasks.
  • The Airflow triggerer, which is an Airflow component used to run deferrable operators.
  • The Airflow metadata database, which is a Postgres database that runs on port 5432.
  • A Python container running a mock API that generates synthetic customer feedback data, accessible at port 5000.
  • A local OpenSearch instance, that runs on port 9200.
