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This was the second of the group projects at Makers. This time we had 2 weeks, and the brief was to complete a clone of Facebook. This was our first time using the Ruby on Rails framework, bootstrap design tools, as well as the Travis CI tools.

It was a very enjoyable time working with the team. We worked closely, used AGILE practises and had constant feedback over the 2 week project, using stand-ups every morning, retrospectives every evening. Huge shout out to them members David, Jack, Katie and Umberto. I enjoyed the project and learnt so much in such a short space of time, with valuable continous intergration and Rails skills gained over the course of this project, as well as an insight into the bootstrap/css world.

We kept a running blog over the two week project that can be viewed here.


This project was aimed to simulate real life product delivery in the workplace. We had both a technical lead, and a product manager. We had strict requirements from the product manager that we had to adhere to, we then converted them into user stories and worked via 2 day sprints to deliver these features.

We also copied these user stories onto our group Trello Board, making sure to update the status of each user story as and when they were actioned - then moving them into the relevant column.

You can find the endineering project outline here.

This project is designed to act as a social media site where users can:

  • Sign up/ Sign in (also via Github) and sign out,
  • Post content to their own wall, other uses walls or a joint wall,
  • Comments can be added to each post,
  • 'Likes' can be added to each post and/or comments, limited to one per user (then an unlike function is shown),
  • Each username is a link to that persons own wall,
  • A user can change their username at any time via the edit account function,
  • Any users signed in on the site can click on the 'chat' button and be entered into a live chatroom.

How to Run

Clone this repo, and in the command line run:

bundle install

Once the dependancies are installed, run the following command:

bin/rails db:create

Once the databases have been created, run:

bin/rails db:migrate

This will update all the databases with the necessary tables. The ap can then be launched by typing in the command line:

rails server

Finally enjoy Acebook by clicking on localhost:3000 to open this up in your browser and start using!

The testing suite, RSpec, can be run by typing into the command line:


This will bring up all 63 passing tests, with >95% coverage.

Live app

The current production version of the app gets automatically deployed with changes made into the master branch, and can be found hosted on Heroku



Posts & Comments




Template for the AceBook project







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  • Ruby 75.2%
  • HTML 19.5%
  • JavaScript 3.1%
  • CSS 2.2%