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A microservice for authentication.

Based on Node.js, Express and Passport.

If you like this project, please star this repo and support my work


  • New user registration.
  • Password based authentication.
  • Email-based confirmation.
  • Email-based password reset.
  • Authentication issues a JWT.
  • Validates issued JWTs.


To use Authentic you need the following skills:

  • Be able to use Docker to instantiate the Authentic image as a container in your production application.
  • Be able to use Docker Compose if you want to run the example application or run the tests.
  • Be able to make HTTP requests using REST Client or Postman so you can explore and test Authentic's REST API.


For an example of how to deploy Authentic to your production Kubernetes cluster, please see the deployment-examples subdirectory.

Authentic is published on DockerHub:

The example application

Authentic includes an example application in this repo under the example subdirectory.

Run the example application

You need Docker and Docker-Compose installed.

Clone this repo, then run the example application docker-compose:

cd authentic
docker-compose up --build

Capture logging

Use the tee command to capture output to a file

docker-compose up --build 2>&1 | tee run.log

Example UI

The example application contains an example UI implemented using React.

You can find it in the example/client subdirectory.

Exploring the Authentic REST API

Check out the file tests/authenticate.http. It contains runnable examples of HTTP requests against the Authentic microservice's REST API.

You can use the REST Client plugin for Visual Studio Code to run these HTTP requests.

Using Authentic


Authentic requires a Monogdb database. You need to make one available and set the environment variable DBHOST and DBNAME to tell Authentic where to locate it's database. See the next section for an example.

Usage in development

To instantiate the Authentic microservice in production include it in your Docker Compose file like this:

    image: codecapers/authentic:1.0.2
    container_name: authentic
     - "5000:80"
      - PORT=80
      - DBHOST=mongodb://db:27017
      - DBNAME=auth
      - NODE_ENV=development
      - JWT_SECRET=1234
    restart: "no"

For a real example see docker-compose.yaml in this repo which starts the example application.

Usage in production

To use in production instantiate the Docker image codecapers/authentic:1.0.2 (or later version) to a container on your server or in your cluster. Make sure you configure necessary environment variables as described in the next section.

Configuring Authentic

Authentic is configurable through multiple environment variables.

Variable Default Descrption
JWT_SECRET (required) None Sets the secret used for encoding JWTs.
JWT_ALGO HS256 Sets the algorithm for signing the JWT. See allowed algorithms here.
JWT_VERSION 1 Sets a version number or label that is encoded in the JWT payload. You can change this to any string to invalidate all issued JWTs.
VERBOSE false Set to "true" to enable verbose logging to standard output.
NODE_ENV unset Set to "production" when running Authentic in production, otherwise "development" for development or "testing" for testing.
HOST Sets the IP address the Authentic microservice is listening on.
PORT 3000 Sets the port number the microservice is listening on. Usually you'll want to set this to port 80 for production.
DBHOST mongodb://localhost:27017 Connection string for the Monogdb server Authentic will use.
DBNAME auth The name of the database where Authentic should keep it's data.
MAILER_HOST http://mailer Sets the host that handles sending email messages.
CONF_EMAIL_SUBJECT Account confirmation Sets the subject for the confirmation email.
CONF_EMAIL_TEMPLATE Defaults to contents of template file. Sets the content for the confirmation email.
PWRESET_EMAIL_SUBJECT Password Reset Sets the subject for the confirmation email.
PWRESET_EMAIL_TEMPLATE Defaults to contents of template file. Sets the content for the password reset request email.
PW_RESET_TOKEN_TYPE uuid Sets the type of token to use for password reset requests. Can be one of "uuid" or "random".

Using the Authentic REST API

Users are registered, authenticated and validated through Authentic's REST API.

You can try out the REST API using REST Client (as mentioned earlier) or something else like Postman.

REST API overview

HTTP Route Description
POST /api/auth/register Registers a new user and sends them a confirmation email.
POST /api/auth/resend-confirmation-email Resends the confirmation email to a new unconfirmed user.
POST /api/auth/confirm Confirms a new user (triggered through the link in the confirmation email).
POST /api/auth/authenticate Authenticates a user and issues a JWT.
POST /api/auth/validate Validates an issued JWT.
POST /api/auth/refresh Refreshes a valid JWT and issues a new JWT.
POST /api/auth/request-password-reset Requests a password reset for a user, sends the user an email to validate the request.
POST /api/auth/reset-password Resets a user's password (triggered from the pw reset validation email).
POST /api/auth/update-password Updates a user's password (requires a valid JWT).
GET /api/user Gets details for a particular user.
GET /api/users Gets details for all users.

REST API documentation

More detailed documentation for the Authentic REST API.

HTTP POST /api/auth/register

Registers a new user and sends them a confirmation email.


    "email": "email address for the new user",
    "password": "password for the new user"


    "ok": "true or false",
    "errorMessage": "error message to display to user (when ok is false)"

HTTP POST /api/auth/resend-confirmation-email

Resends the confirmation email to a new unconfirmed user.


    "email": "email address for the user requesting to resend the confirmation email",


Status 200

HTTP POST /api/auth/confirm

Confirms a new user (triggered through the link in the confirmation email).

<confirmation-token> is issued by the /register API directly to the user via their email.


    "email": "email address for the user that is confirming their account",
    "token": "the confirmation token that was issued to the user by email",
    "data": {
        /* Optional JSON data to attach to the user. */


    "ok": "true or false",
    "errorMessage": "error message to display to user (when ok is false)"

HTTP POST /api/auth/authenticate

Authenticates a user and issues a JWT.


    "email": "email address for the user who is authenticating",
    "password": "password for the user"


    "ok": "true or false",
    "id": "unique id for the user",
    "token": "JWT issued for the user",
    "errorMessage": "error message to display to user (when ok is false)"

HTTP POST /api/auth/validate

Validates an issued JWT.


    "id": "unique id for the user",
    "token": "the JWT to be validated"


    "ok": "true or false",
    "id": "unique id for the user, if validated",

HTTP POST /api/auth/refresh

Refreshes a valid JWT and issues a new JWT.


    "token": "the JWT to be refreshed"


    "ok": "true or false",
    "id": "unique id for the user, if validated",
    "token": "new JWT issued for the user, if validated",

HTTP POST /api/auth/request-password-reset

Requests a password reset for a user, sends the user an email to validate the request.


    "email": "email address for the user requesting the pw reset"


Status 200

HTTP POST /api/auth/reset-password

Resets a user's password (triggered from the pw reset validation email).


    "email": "email address for the user whose passwoord is being rest",
    "password": "new password for the user",
    "token": "the token issued to the user by email",


    "ok": "true or false",
    "id": "unique id for the user, if validated",
    "token": "new JWT issued for the user, if validated",

HTTP POST /api/auth/update-password

Updates a user's password (requires a valid JWT).


    "token": "JWT that was issued to the user who is updating their password",
    "password": "new password for the user",


Status 200

HTTP GET /api/user

Gets details for a particular user.

Query parameters

    "id": "ID of the user to get details for",


JSON object containing user details.

HTTP GET /api/users

Gets details for all users.


JSON array containing details for all users.

Security concerns

Authentic is designed to be microservice that runs within a private network or private Kubernetes cluster.

! Don't expose the Authentic microservice to the world !

By itself Authentic has no authentication, it simply provides authentication services for a larger application.

You still need a gateway microservice that enforces the authentication services provided by Authentic.

Please secure your Gateway microservice appropriatley and never expose the Authentic microservice to the outside world.

Configuring email

You must provide your own email microservice that can send emails on Authentic's behalf.

By default this is located using DNS at https://mailer. You can set the MAILER_HOST environment variable to set the host name for the mailer microservice.

The example application includes a mock mailer microservice that simply prints emails to standard output (which is great for development and testing). You must replace this mock microservice with your own that implements email sending. It requires a single REST API for HTTP POST /api/send that accepts to, subject, text and (optional) html in the request body and then sends the email by whatever service you desire to use.

Configuring email templates

Authentic email templates can be configured using the environment variables mentioned earlier.

Email templates are rendered using the Mustache template engine. You can use the following template variables within your email templates:

Variable Description
HOST The host name of the responsible website. E.g. the host name for your website!
TOKEN The token that is being issued to the user via the email. E.g the confirmation token or password reset token.
EMAIL The email address for the user that is about to be emailed.


For help debugging set the VERBOSE environment variable to true.

Also set NODE_ENV to development.

When debugging (check it out in the example application) the confirmation and password reset emails are simply printed to standard output. That means you can copy the confirmation and password reset links from standard output to test the process of registration and password reset without having to use real emails.


Please contribute! I accept pull requests for useful features that have automated tests and documentation.

Future features needed

  • Moving email templates to the database mailer. Have a UI for editing email templates.
  • Examples of mailer implementations (e.g for Mailgun, GSuite and SMTP).
  • Admin microservice with a UI for managing users.

Running the automated tests

Authentic has a suite of automated integration tests.

Change into the Authentic microservice's subdirectory:

cd authentic/authentic/

You need a real database to run tests against, use Docker Compose to boot an instance of MongoDB:

docker-compose up

Then in another terminal, change to the directory:

cd authentic/authentic/

Set necessary environment variables:

export DBHOST=mongodb://localhost:6000
export NODE_ENV=testing
export JWT_SECRET=1234

Or on Windows:

set DBHOST=mongodb://localhost:6000
set NODE_ENV=testing
set JWT_SECRET=1234

Now run tests:

npm test

Or run tests in live reload mode:

npm run test:watch


Please get in touch via Twitter or Email.