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This example Repository demonstrates how to use Prettier, ESLint, Husky & Lint-Staged together to make code formatting a breeze experience.


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Clean Code Pinata 🪅


This example Repository demonstrates how to use Prettier, ESLint, Husky & Lint-Staged together to make code formatting a breeze experience.

All tools/packages above work great together, and make sure that your Repository always stays clean and formatted before you even commit something.


If you like to play around with this Repository, you need to install:

• Node Version 14.x or higher

Why Pinata?

It was 8 PM in the evening, and all my head was thinking about was a Pinata.

Use the following tools to

  • keep your code-base clean by consistent formatting
  • enforce best practices & guidelines by statically code analyzing
  • never ever think actively about the 2 points mentioned above

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports JavaScript, Typescript, and many Frameworks & Libraries.

Whenever you save your files, Prettier will make sure that your code gets formatted.

It's dead simple.

But what if you not only want to format everything consistenly but also enforce certain code guidelines?

ESLint statically analyzes your code to find problems.

  • Find Issues
  • Fix problems automatically
  • Easily extendable and configurable

Again, you can use it with almost every Language, Framework, or Library.

If we could only make sure that 💩 doesn't slip into the code Repository...

Husky lets you easily install and configure Git Hooks.

You can configure Husky, for example, to:

  • Lint & format your code before you commit something
  • Run tests to make sure everything runs smoothly
  • What every comes to your mind

One downside could potentially be that formatting and linting could take a while because every file gets linted and formatted.

If there only would be one solution 🤔

As I've mentioned above, husky would currently lint and reformat every single file in your Repository. This is fine up to a certain point—when your code base grows and you have more and more files to lint, it could take a while. Here comes Lint Staged to the rescue:

With Lint Staged, you will only lint and format all files that are about to be committed.

Install & Setup


First, install Prettier locally:

npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier

Then create a config file:

echo {}> .prettierrs.json

Use basic configuration (or extend/update the configuration using the available options:

  "trailingComma": "es5",
  "tabWidth": 4,
  "semi": false,
  "singleQuote": true

Next, create a .prettierignore( file to ignore certain files and folders completely from formatting.

By default prettier ignores files in version control systems directories (".git", ".svn" and ".hg") and node_modules (if --with-node-modules CLI option not specified).

You can test Prettier now by running:

npx prettier --write .


Install ESLint & configure locally.

npm init @eslint/config

A Wizzard will guide you through the installation process.

Note: Use "To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style" only when your code base is either fairly new or already consistent and clean. Otherwise, you will probably face a ton of errors and need to fix them, which could take a while.

This example Repository uses the 2nd option. The configuration can either be a JavaScript File, YAML or JSON. I choose JavaScript. For further configuration details checkout Configuring ESLint.

You can try out ESLint by running:

npx eslint .

Note: If you're using Prettier with ESLint together, we need to make further adjustments.

Prettier X ESLint

To get Prettier to work well together with ESLint, we need to install additional plugins:

npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier

Next, we need to adjust the .eslintrc.js (if you chose YAML, or JSON, use the respective file and adjust it accordingly):

// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
    "env": {
        "browser": true,
        "es2021": true
    "plugins": ["prettier"], // new
    "extends": [ // Extends is an array now
        "plugin:prettier/recommended" // new
    "overrides": [
    "parserOptions": {
        "ecmaVersion": "latest",
        "sourceType": "module"
    "rules": {
        "prettier/prettier": "error" // new

Now both—ESlint & Prettier should work together hand in hand.


Now we're coming the fun part:

npm install husky --save-dev

Next, create a prepare script for the initial setup of Husky & run it:

npm set-script prepare "husky install"
npm run prepare

This will create a local folder called .husky with the husky shell script inside.

To add a commit hook, use:

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx prettier --write . && npx eslint ."

The example above will create a pre-commit hook, and husky will execute prettier and eslint whenever we commit something.

That's basically everything you need to work with Husky.

Lint Staged

Install Lint Staged

npm install --save-dev lint-staged

Next, adjust your package.json file and append the following block:

    "lint-staged": {
        "**/*.{js,json,html}": [
            "npx prettier --write",
            "npx eslint --fix"

The lint staged block must be placed on the root level of the package.json file. Define inside a glob pattern for the files you like to run Lint Staged on. Finally, define in the array which scripts you would like to run when Lint Stages is executed (in our case, prettier and eslint).

Lastly, change the pre-commit execution script inside <projectDir>/.husky/pre-commit (or any other hook you've used)

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

npx prettier --write . && npx eslint . # remove this line
npx lint-staged # new

If you followed through, you now have everything set up—Congratulations 🎉

Final adjustments

I personally like to have an npm script available what does all the initial setup for me.

npm set-script setup "npm install && npm run prepare"


If you like to test and play around with my so-called clean-code-pinata fork in this Repository, run npm run setup, and create either some HTML files or some JavaScript files.

Mess around inside those files, then create a commit and see what happens 👏.


This example Repository demonstrates how to use Prettier, ESLint, Husky & Lint-Staged together to make code formatting a breeze experience.







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