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As One - Starter App

The ideal boilerplate to start MPA projects with HTML, CSS/SCSS, Vanilla JS, and TypeScript.

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Quick Start

npm i -g as-one/starter-app


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In this accelerated world of web development is key to stay on the shoulders of non-depreciable dependencies. Likewise, it's important keeping close to core technologies (like HTML, CSS, JS, git) and companies (as GitHub, NPM).


npm run dev

This command will initialize at the same time:

  • A server on port 3000: http://localhost:3000;
  • A watcher SASS to CSS from ./src;
  • A watcher TS to JS from ./src;


  • --input or -i: Defines the input folder starting from the --root. Default: src;
  • --output or -o: Defines the output folder starting from the --root. Default: dist;
  • --root or -r: Defines the root folder to run the server. Default: /;
  • --noTS: If the project doesn't have TS files this flag must be set;


npm run dev --i newSrc --o newDist -r src
npm run dev --input newSrc --output newDist --root src --noTS


npm run build

This command will initialize sequentially:

  • HTML: Conversion from .css to .min.css;
  • HTML: Minification from ./src to ./dist;
  • CSS: Compilation of all SASS in ./src to one minified CSS file ./dist/style.min.css;
  • CSS: Parsing of minified CSS using PostCSS's Autoprefixer;
  • JS: Compilation from TS to JS in ./src;
  • JS: Parsing using Babel in ./src;
  • JS: Uglify of each JS aiming minification which will be sent to ./dist.


  • --input or -i: Defines the input folder. Default: src;
  • --output or -o: Defines the output folder. Default: dist;


npm run build --i newSrc --o newDist
npm run build --input newSrc --output newDist


  • All CSS, SASS, JavaScript, and TypeScript files should be in ./src;
  • The build process outputs all files in the ./dist;
  • The build process bundles CSS files into one named style.min.css;
  • The build process outputs JS files separately;
  • If something different is necessary, read carefully and update the scripts object in the package.json file.

Need something else?

If you have questions or suggestions please open an issue.