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artinZareie edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 1 revision

#How to work with this applicatoion ???

this is very simple application and you only want to compile it and use it .

but to use easier , we I make a tourial .

#First Step :How can I make an application like this ???

You only got to learn Quadratic equation

#Secend step :How can I use it ?

When you have compiled the program , you should run it. Then You must enter 3 numbers (a and b and c) so that b ^ 2 - 4ac >= 0

#Third step :Catch answer

You have one of these :

1- an Error that say : Delta can not be fewer than 0

You should try again;

2- Just one answer

It means b ^ 2 - 4ac = 0

3- Two answers

It means x can has two value;