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This library provides a way of communicating with a Teneo Engine server instance.


Example usage

Messages are sent to the engine by calling sendInput on the TieApiService singleton:

TieApiService.getSharedInstance().sendInput(text, parameters)
	.subscribeWith(new DisposableSingleObserver<TieResponse>() {
	    public void onSuccess(TieResponse result) {
	        // Do something with the result
	    public void onError(Throwable e) {
	        // Do something with the exception


You can add the library to your project through jCenter. Make sure to reference the jcenter repository, and then add the dependency com.artificialsolutions.tie-sdk-android:tie-sdk-android:1.0.2 Using the library also requires rxjava2.

build.gradle example:

buildscript {
    repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.artificialsolutions.tie-sdk-android:tie-sdk-android:1.0.2'
    implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'

API Documentation


Before usage, setup needs to be called once with context, base url, and endpoint.

TieApiService.getSharedInstance().setup(getApplicationContext(), teneoEngineBaseUrl, endpoint);


Communication with Teneo Interaction Engine is done with sendInput function, that returns an observable that produces either a TieResponse object with onSuccess or a Throwable on onError.

TieApiService.getSharedInstance().sendInput(userInput, parameters)

Parameters: userInput : String The input string that is sent to the engine.

parameters : HashMap<String, String> Any engine instance specific parameters. The following keywords are reserved: viewtype and userinput.

Response: On success a TieResponse object is returned.

  • input: TieInput
    • text: String
    • parameters: HashMap<String, String>
  • output: TieOutput
    • text: String
    • parameters: HashMap<String, String>
    • link: String
    • emotion: String
  • status: String

On fail the call returns a Throwable. The exception can be JsonParseException, IOException, NotInitializedException when setup has not been called, or TieApiException when the engine responds with an error. TieApiException:

  • error: TieErrorResponse
    • status: String
    • input: TieInput
      • text: String
      • parameters: HashMap<String, String>
    • message: String


The sdk maintains the session until it is expired by the server, in which case the session is renewed automatically, or until it is closed by calling the close function.


Error handling

Server-sent error messages are returned with sendInput ja close functions as TieApiException objects.