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🐦 Budgie

A simple personal budgeting tool, inspired by YNAB.

🚧   👷   🚧  

Work is in progress / under construction. This is a hobby project and I'm only working on it occassionally. You're welcome to browse the code and follow along but it won't be complete for a while.


I love YNAB and have used the desktop version for years. At some point in the past they moved their business model over to a subscription service. I didn't see the value of switching as I had all the features I required in their original version.

The only 'issue' I had was the data syncing between different devices, which predominantly used Dropbox. I used to have several services using Dropbox, so I didn't think too much about using it, but over time I have migrated away from the platform and it just became another redundant app.

By disconnecting YNAB from Dropbox, I could only use the app on my Windows computer, which is inconvenient as I spend most of my time on other devices nowadays.

With this in mind, and as I was looking to expand my knowledge of serverless & other tech, I thought it was an ideal product to replicate.

🧠 Patterns

  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • Event Sourcing
  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

Here's a primer video on the theory & practice to get started.

🧰 Toolbox

🔧 Environment variables

Name Description
CACHE_URL Location of the Redis cache on Upstash
DATABASE_URL Location of the MySQL database on PlanetScale
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID OIDC key to use Google social login
SENTRY_DSN Location of the error/performance logs

🔌 Running locally


  1. Create a database at PlanetScale - use schema.mysql
  2. Create a redis cache at Upstash
  3. Create a new OAuth client with Google
  4. Create an account with Sentry
  5. Assign the relevant environment variables based on the above

Spinning up

  1. Install dependencies with npm install
  2. Run the database with npm run db:start
  3. In another shell, run npm start - the first time you do this it will take some time as it sets up the various bits of infrastructure.
  4. In another shell, run npm run web - this will run the website at http://localhost:3000/

Design system component library

  1. Install dependencies with npm install
  2. Run npm run storybook - Visit http://localhost:6006/ in the browser

🌐 Domain setup

I have created a domain outside of the AWS ecosystem, my setup looks like this:

Namecheap -> Cloudflare -> AWS

Namecheap uses Cloudflare as for DNS, and Cloudflare uses a CNAME entry to point to the urls created by AWS.

Cloudflare provide a free SSL certificate via Let's Encrypt, but to make it work with SST I've requested a public certificate through AWS Certfificate Manager (AWM) in the us-east-1 region.

The certificate uses DNS validation to ensure ownership of the domain.

The reason I'm not using Route 53 as recommended by SST is to avoid the monthly $.50 fee. This is something I would probably reconsider if I wasn't building a hobby project.