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Laravel Location-Based ISP Offers Portal

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Project Overview

Welcome to the Laravel Location-Based ISP Offers Portal! This project serves as a platform for users to search locations and receive customized offers and bundles from internet service providers based on their location. The key components of this project include:

  • JWT Users/Clients Auth API: Ensuring a secure and seamless authentication experience for potential User Side App.

  • Admin Dashboard: Empowering administrators to perform CRUD operations on Locations, Offers, Service Providers, and Bulk Upload or Revert Bulk Uploads of data through an intuitive dashboard.

  • Utilization of Google Places & Laravel Excel Packages and API: Enhancing location services and data management.

Project Highlights

Explore some snapshots from the project:

Snapshot 1 Snapshot 2 Snapshot 3 Snapshot 4 Snapshot 5 Snapshot 6 Snapshot 7