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A simple nodejs project explaining the use of AWS lambda, sns, api gateway and codebuild.

The project demonstrates the ability to
- subscribe to a SNS topic via API Gateway - unsubscribe from a SNS topic via API Gateway - publish to the SNS topic via schedule

There are 2 ways to deploy this

  1. Using serverless framework
  2. Using cloud formation
  3. Using codebuild for continous integration

1- Deployment guide for serverless framework

serverless framework uses serverless.yaml file for deployment.

npm install -g serverless serverless deploy

2- Deployment guide using cloudformation

sam-template will be used to package and deploy the code into an s3 bucket.

  1. Create a bucket to hold your code aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name
  2. Use sam cli to package the code sam package --template-file sam-template --output-template-file serverless-output.yaml --s3-bucket s3-bucket-name
  3. The above command will generate a cloud formation template which you can use to create the stack

3- Codebuild for continous integration Create a new build project in aws code build. Use this github repository as the source. buildspec.yml has the instructions to deploy the stack

Codebuild role json policy:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:", "s3:", "apigateway:", "lambda:", "codedeploy:", "cloudformation:", "logs:", "events:" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

Please note this policy is not suited for production environment.