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John Melonakos edited this page Jul 15, 2021 · 56 revisions

Getting ArrayFire

Binaries and Installers

ArrayFire binaries and installers can be downloaded from

The binaries are built with CUDA 11.* for the CUDA backend.


Clone ArrayFire using the --recursive flag in order to pull necessary submodules for the project:

$ git clone --recursive

Otherwise, submodules may also be pulled by running the following from the ArrayFire repository:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Building ArrayFire from Source

For general usage of ArrayFire, we recommend the installer binaries. However, if you wish to develop on ArrayFire, you will need to build the source code. We have build instructions for Windows, Linux, and OSX:

Using ArrayFire

Adding Unit Tests to ArrayFire

ArrayFire uses the Google Test framework. Follow the unit test guidelines to contribute unit tests.

Directory Structure

Use this link to understand the ArrayFire directory structure.

Known Issues

The list of currently known issues/bugs and their corresponding status can be found here.