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Fixing Common OS X Installer Failures

Miguel Lloreda edited this page May 8, 2018 · 8 revisions

If the OS X installer fails, there are a few things you can do to debug the issue.

1. Check error logs

Whenever the installer runs, it logs any errors to /tmp/AFInstaller{CPU,OpenCL,CUDA}.err on your system. Type the following command into a terminal to view the error files:

cat /tmp/AFInstaller{CPU,OpenCL,CUDA}.err  # print installer error logs

2. Check for missing dependencies

Missing dependencies are oftentimes the cause for installer failures.

Use brew to check for missing ArrayFire dependencies by running the following command:

brew ls --versions cmake fontconfig glfw

Any missing dependencies can be installed using brew via

brew install <pkg>

3. Verify ArrayFire installation

Verify that ArrayFire is installed and all dependencies exist in your system by running our helloworld.cpp example.

cp /opt/arrayfire/share/ArrayFire/examples/helloworld/helloworld.cpp /tmp
cd /tmp

# Test the `CPU` backend
clang++ -I/opt/arrayfire/include -L/opt/arrayfire/lib -lafcpu helloworld.cpp -o hello_cpu && ./hello_cpu

# Test the `OpenCL` backend
clang++ -I/opt/arrayfire/include -L/opt/arrayfire/lib -lafopencl helloworld.cpp -o hello_opencl && ./hello_opencl

# Test the `CUDA` backend (if you have it installed on your system)
clang++ -I/opt/arrayfire/include -L/opt/arrayfire/lib -lafcuda helloworld.cpp -o hello_cuda && ./hello_cuda

NOTE: For CUDA, you'll need nvcc on your system with the appropriate directory in your $PATH.

For more information, refer to our Getting Started on OS X page.