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School Information and Result Management System

The School Information and Result Management System is a web-based application designed to streamline the management of student information and academic results within a school environment. This README file provides an overview of the application and its features.

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Managing student information and academic results is a crucial aspect of any educational institution. The School Information and Result Management System provides a centralized platform for administrators, teachers, and students to efficiently handle student records, track academic performance, and generate reports.


  1. Student Information Management: The system allows administrators to maintain a comprehensive database of student information, including personal details, contact information, and enrollment details.

  2. Class and Subject Management: Administrators can manage classes, subjects, and course details within the system, enabling easy organization and tracking of academic programs.

  3. Result Entry and Management: Teachers can enter student grades and academic results for each subject, and the system automatically calculates overall grades and GPA. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing and updating results.

  4. Attendance Tracking: The system allows teachers to record student attendance, facilitating efficient monitoring and analysis of student attendance patterns.

  5. Reports and Analytics: Administrators and teachers can generate various reports, including student transcripts, class performance summaries, and individual student progress reports. These reports offer valuable insights into student performance and help in decision-making processes.

  6. Parent and Student Portals: Parents and students have dedicated portals to access academic information, including attendance records, grades, and upcoming assignments. This promotes transparency and facilitates communication between the school and parents/guardians.

  7. User Management: The application supports multiple user roles, such as administrators, teachers, and students, each with specific access privileges. User management features enable easy creation, modification, and deletion of user accounts.


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Once the School Information and Result Management System is installed and running, follow these guidelines for using the application:

  1. Admin Dashboard: Administrators can access the admin dashboard by logging in with their credentials. From the dashboard, they can manage student records, create/update classes and subjects, manage user accounts, generate reports, and perform other administrative tasks.

  2. Teacher Portal: Teachers can log in using their credentials to access the teacher portal. They can enter student results, manage attendance, view student information, and generate class performance reports.

  3. Parent/Student Portal: Parents and students can log in with their respective credentials to access the portal. They can view student attendance, grades, and upcoming assignments and school events.